مقارنة بين الميج-35 و السو-35 MiG-35 Technical specifications
الموصافات الفنية Crew: 1 or 2 people (MiG-35/MiG-35D)
Length: 17.3 m
Wingspan: 11.99 m
Height: 4.73 m
Wing Area: 42m ²
empty: 11000 kg
off weight: 17,500 kg
Maximum takeoff: 23,500 kg
Fuel: 4800 kg
Engines: 2 × turbofan with thrust vectoring "RD-33MKV"
max: 2 × 5400 kg
afterburner: 2 × 9000 kg
Thrust vector deflection angles: ± 15 ° vertical, ± 8 ° in any direction
A thrust speed: 60 ° / sec
Engine weight: 1055 kg
EPR: <1 m ² (without external suspensions) [source not specified 484 days]
Flight characteristics
التحليق (اقصى المدى الحمولة سقف الطيران ... الخ) Maximum speed:
at ground level: 1,400 km / h
at a height of 2400 km / h (M = 2.25)
Practical range:
without drop tanks: 2,000 km
with drop tanks: 3,000 km
Flight Duration: 2.2 hours
Service ceiling: 17,500 m
at normal take-off weight: 1.03
with a maximum take-off weight: 0.77
Wing loading:
at normal take-off weight: 468 kg / m ²
with a maximum take-off weight: 618 kg / m ²
Maximum operating load: 9 g
التسليح The combat load: 6500 kg Cannonball: 30 mm cannon built GS-30-1
Suspension points: 10
The air-to-air: short-range missiles: R-73
medium range: R-27 and R-77 RVV-AE
The air-to-ground Anti-ship: X-31 and X-35
Anti-radiation: X-31P
:Air-to-ground missile: X-25, X-29
Svobodnopadayuschie and bombs, aerial mines
الافينوكس (الرادار والالكترونيات) Radar with an active phased array (AESA): Zhuk-A Radar
The maximum detection range:
aerodynamic purposes: up to 200 kilometers (up to 148 km on export)
ground targets: up to 60 km
Su-35 Technical specifications
الموصافات الفنية Crew: 1 person
Length: 22.18 m
Wingspan: 14.75 m
Height: 6.43 m
Wing Area: 62.04 m ²
The angle of the leading edge sweep 42 °
Chassis: tricycle, with the front desk, retractable
empty: 19000 kg
Normal take-off weight: 25,500 kg
Maximum takeoff weight: 34,500 kg
Fuel Weight: 11,500 kg
Engine Type: Turbofan with afterburner and thrust vector control (turbofan with thrust vectoring)
model: "AL-41F1S"
max: 2 × 8800 kg
afterburner: 2 × 14500 kgs
thrust vector control:
A thrust angle: ± 15 ° in the plane
A thrust speed: 60 ° / sec
Motor weight: 1520 kg
EPR: 0.5-2 m ² [29]
Flight characteristics
التحليق (اقصى المدى الحمولة سقف الطيران ... الخ) Maximum speed:
at ground level: 1,400 km / h (1.17 M)
in height: 2,500 km / h [18]
Maximum besforsazhny:> 1,300 km / h (on the first prototype, the acceleration without using afterburner - 1.1 M)
at the ground 1580 km
the mark:
without drop tanks: 3,600 km
with drop tanks: 4,500 km
Service ceiling: 19,000 m
runway: 400 m
mileage: 650
at normal take-off weight: 1.14
with a maximum take-off weight: 0.76
Wing loading:
normal takeoff weight of 410 kg / m ²
with a maximum take-off weight: 611 kg / m ²
التسليح The combat load: 8000 kg Cannonball: 30 mm aircraft cannon GSH-30-1
Suspension points: 12
The air-to-air: long-range missile: HAEDAT
medium range: R-27ER, R-27P, R-27T, R-77 RVV-AE
short range: R-73
The air-to-ground: Anti-ship missiles: Kh-59 - Kh-31A
Air-to-ground missile
Kh-29 - Kh-25, C-8, C-25LD, KAB-500, KAB-1500
bombs of various purpose and caliber up to 1,500 kg
الافينوكس (الرادار والالكترونيات) On the Su-35S is used radar with a passive phased array antenna (EASA): Irbis-E Radar
Detection range:
EPR with 3 M ²:
on a collision course: 350-400 km (in the area of 100 square meters. degrees on the sky background)
on the Dogon: 150 km [32]
with SCS 0.01 M ²: up to 90 km [33]
Detection and Cueing: 4 ground or air 30
Simultaneous firing of 2 (for illumination of R-27)
تتفوق سو-35 على الميج-35 في المدى الاقصى (4500 كلم مقابل 3000 او 3200 كلم للميج-35) كما تتفوق المحرك و في مدى الرادار وقدرتها على حمل صورايخ BVR طويلة المدى (اكبر من 200 كلم) بينما تتفوق الميج-35 على السو-35 في كون رادرها من النوع AESA الاكثر مقاومة للتشويش وكذلك يعطي للمقاتلة ميزة اكبر في التخفي (صعوبة تحديد المقاتلة المعادية لمكانه حال تشغيله بطاقته القصوى) ويتفوق في سرعة ودقة المسح عن الرادار العادي ، كما تتفوق الميج-35 في انخفاض تكلفة تشغيلها