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 سلسلة حتي لا ننسي: تركيا الراعي الرسمي للأرهاب

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الـبلد : سلسلة حتي لا ننسي: تركيا الراعي الرسمي للأرهاب - صفحة 2 Egypt110
التسجيل : 13/11/2013
عدد المساهمات : 116
معدل النشاط : 145
التقييم : 14
الدبـــابة : سلسلة حتي لا ننسي: تركيا الراعي الرسمي للأرهاب - صفحة 2 Unknow11
الطـــائرة : سلسلة حتي لا ننسي: تركيا الراعي الرسمي للأرهاب - صفحة 2 Unknow11
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مُساهمةموضوع: رد: سلسلة حتي لا ننسي: تركيا الراعي الرسمي للأرهاب   سلسلة حتي لا ننسي: تركيا الراعي الرسمي للأرهاب - صفحة 2 Icon_m10الإثنين 22 فبراير 2016 - 6:04

Turkey, a US Ally is Providing Aid to ISIS

تركيا, حليف امريكي, تقدم العون الي داعش 

Posted on September 15, 2014 by Dave Jolly Filed under World NewsTerrorismWar

After the beheading of two American journalists, ISIS has become a primary focus of the US government and media. Obama wants to spend several billion dollars to help arm Syrian rebels so they can help fight ISIS on the ground. However, those rebels are Muslim extremists in their own right and are among the Islamic groups that want to destroy America and Israel. It’s never a good idea to arm your enemies; at least that makes perfectly good sense to me, but not to Barack Obama.

It’s bad enough that over a hundred American citizens along with hundreds of British and Australian citizens have flocked to Syria to join the ISIS terrorist forces, but now we have a NATO ally also rendering aid to ISIS.

Turkey is a member of NATO, the North Atlantic Treaty Organization, as is the United States. For the past several decades, Turkey has been a tenuous ally of the United States, allowing us to establish two military bases within their border:

Izmir Air Base is located near the Aegean Sea and focuses mostly on NATO related issues.

Incirlik Air Base is located near the large southwestern city of Ardana and is home to nearly 5,000 troops. It is close to the Syrian border which makes it strategically important.

If the report from WND is accurate, the relationship between the US and Turkey could be strained, and rightly so. WND posted:

اقتباس :
“Informed sources tell WND that Turkey continues to keep open its borders to allow jihadists seeking to join ISIS, or Islamic State, to cross into Syria. Many of the fighters are from Europe and the United States.”

“Turkey has been a major gathering point for fighters throughout the world to obtain training and logistical support to join various jihadist groups and the Syrian opposition fighting Shiite-Alawite Syrian President Bashar al-Assad. …”

“In addition, the source, who spoke on condition of anonymity, said Turkey remains an even greater conduit of money laundering to ISIS than Qatar. …”

“Analysts say Turkey is afraid of cutting off ISIS because of threats of reprisal the group has made through Turkish media.”

“In addition, sources say, ISIS continues to hold hostage some 49 Turkish diplomats who were captured when it took over Mosul last June. The development has been one reason for Turkey to go along with ISIS demands.”

“However, there appear to be more compelling reasons for Turkey to continue working with ISIS.”

“Turkey’s backing hasn’t gone unnoticed by ISIS, whose leadership now is considering rewarding Turkish businesses with contracts in ISIS-occupied Sunni areas of Iraq.”

“Turkey’s minister of economy, Nihat Zeybekci, is receptive to the notion and has been open about encouraging Turkish businesses to invest in ISIS-occupied portions of Iraq.”

“’Our exports to Iraq are now down to 35 percent, but Iraq cannot easily substitute other sources,’ Neybekci said. ‘We think there will be a boom in demand soon. We also know that IS (ISIS) is contacting individual Turkish businessmen and telling them, ‘Come back, we won’t interfere.’ That is not easy, of course. But when it the future Iraq is rebuilt, it will be Turkey doing it.’”

The report goes on to spell out more details of the economic impact that ISIS is having on Turkey and you can read it if you want. The question I want to know is what is going to happen to Turkey, if anything concerning their helping ISIS?

NATO is discussing on what to do with ISIS and how to stop them. This places Turkey in a difficult situation since they are supposed to be a member of NATO and a US ally, yet they are aiding and abetting a group that has vowed to bring their war to American soil.

If NATO takes military action against ISIS, they’ll surely want to use the two US air bases in Turkey to launch attacks from. Will Turkey support the attacks and the efforts to stop ISIS or will they continue to side with the terrorist organization for economic reasons and face US and NATO sanctions?

I really haven’t heard anyone in Washington discussing the situation with Turkey, but sooner or later it’s going to have to be discussed and dealt with. The question is, what do you do with an ally that is aiding your enemy? I wouldn’t rely on Obama for that answer since he’s been doing the same thing for several years. America needs a leader that stands up for America, not his Muslim buddies.


عدل سابقا من قبل MrHBK في الأربعاء 24 فبراير 2016 - 8:10 عدل 1 مرات
الرجوع الى أعلى الصفحة اذهب الى الأسفل

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الـبلد : سلسلة حتي لا ننسي: تركيا الراعي الرسمي للأرهاب - صفحة 2 Egypt110
التسجيل : 13/11/2013
عدد المساهمات : 116
معدل النشاط : 145
التقييم : 14
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الطـــائرة : سلسلة حتي لا ننسي: تركيا الراعي الرسمي للأرهاب - صفحة 2 Unknow11
المروحية : سلسلة حتي لا ننسي: تركيا الراعي الرسمي للأرهاب - صفحة 2 Unknow11

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A Path to ISIS, Through a Porous Turkish Border
الطريق الي داعش عبر مسام الحدود التركيه النفاذه 

سلسلة حتي لا ننسي: تركيا الراعي الرسمي للأرهاب - صفحة 2 Turkey-master675

Soldiers at a Turkish checkpoint searched Syrians last autumn before they crossed back home.CreditBryan Denton for The New York Times


But it has been unable — or unwilling — to halt the flow as the group, also called ISIS or ISIL, continues to replenish forces depleted in battle.GAZIANTEP, Turkey — Under pressure from its allies in the West, Turkeyhas made it harder for would-be jihadists to slip across the border and join the ranks of the Islamic State group at its base in northern Syria.

Smugglers from border villages who have long earned a living ferrying pistachios, sugar, cigarettes and fuel across the border say they are compelled by the Islamic State to traffic in jihadists, under the threat of death or the end of their livelihoods. Sometimes they receive a late-night phone call from an ISIS commander inside Syria directing them to receive a recruit at a luxury hotel in this city to escort across the border.

“Things have become more difficult because Turkey has stricter procedures on the border,” one smuggler who gave only his first name, Mustafa, said in an interview at a cafe in Kilis, a border town.

سلسلة حتي لا ننسي: تركيا الراعي الرسمي للأرهاب - صفحة 2 10TURKEY-articleLarge

Border police officers near Suruc, Turkey. Western governments have put pressure on Turkish officials to stop fighters from crossing the border to join ISIS.CreditBryan Denton for The New York Times

Even so, he said, he always finds a way, and sometimes the Turkish border guards in his village, who know him, look the other way.

The increased pressure means the frenetic days of 2012 are over. Foreign jihadists, with long beards and trademark fanny packs who once filled the cafes and streets in border towns, now slip quietly through Turkey, trying to attract little attention. Military supply shops, which once openly sold black headbands printed with Islamist slogans, body armor and, sometimes, weapons to foreigners on their way to Syria, have taken their business into back rooms.

So far nearly 20,000 foreigners, including about 3,400 Westerners, have joined the Islamic State in Iraq and Syria, according to Nicholas Rasmussen, the director of the National Counterterrorism Center in Washington. The majority of them have traveled through Turkey, underscoring, Western officials said, both the difficulty of patrolling a porous border and a degree of ambivalence among Turkish officials who do not see the Islamic State as a primary enemy.

Though Turkey has taken some recent measures to **** down on the flow of jihadists, none of these efforts are enough for Turkey’s Western allies, especially those in Europe who, in the wake of the January attack on the offices of the satirical newspaper Charlie Hebdo in Paris, are increasingly worried about the return of militants to launch attacks.

The issue has highlighted the widening gulf between Turkey and its Western allies, who have frequently questioned why Turkey, a NATO member with a large military and well-regarded intelligence service, is not doing more to address the jihadist threat.

In recent testimony in Washington before Congress, James R. Clapper Jr., the director of national intelligence, was asked if he was optimistic that Turkey would do more in the fight against the Islamic State.

سلسلة حتي لا ننسي: تركيا الراعي الرسمي للأرهاب - صفحة 2 10Turkey2-articleLarge

A Turkish Army tank deployed along the border with Syria. ISIS last fall attacked the nearby Syrian town of Kobani. CreditBryan Denton for The New York Times

“No, I’m not,” Mr. Clapper said in an unusually blunt public criticism. “I think Turkey has other priorities and other interests.”

Mr. Clapper cited public opinion polls in Turkey that show Turks do not see the Islamic State as a primary threat. For instance, the Turks, he said, are more concerned with opposing Kurdish autonomy within Syria than in fighting the Islamic State.

The consequence of Turkey’s stance, he said, is the continued “permissive environment” in the border region that still allows the movement of jihadists back and forth across the border.

Turkey insists it is doing what it can. At Turkey’s airports, train stations and bus depots, undercover security agents search for travelers on one-way tickets and secretly scrutinize passengers with long beards and other indicators that suggest they might be jihadists. But officials say that Islamist recruits are increasingly trying to blend in as tourists — shaving and wearing jeans and T-shirts.

Turkish officials also say they are limited by restraints on intelligence sharing from Western countries, which they say has improved but remains inadequate. They say they have compiled, with the help of foreign intelligence agencies, about 10,000 names on a no-entry list, or about half the number of foreigners believed to have joined the Islamic State.

Turkish officials bristle at the criticism from the West and say that, especially among European countries, the focus on the problem came only after the Charlie Hebdo attack and after Hayat Boumeddiene, the wife of one of the Paris attackers, was able to slip in to Syria from Turkey. But Turkish officials also say that Europeans should try to fix the problem at its root, stopping the demonization of Islam in Europe, which they say contributes to radicalization in the first place.

A senior Turkish Foreign Ministry official, responsible for intelligence on foreign fighters, said: “I am not trying to put the blame on others here. Everyone is responsible and this is not about a blame game, but those who accuse Turkey of not doing anything should ask what exactly they have done to prevent these people from traveling so freely, or to get radicalized in the first place.” The official spoke on the condition of anonymity because he was not authorized to discuss intelligence matters.

Another Turkish official involved in intelligence matters, who also spoke on the condition of anonymity because of the nature of his work, said of the Europeans, “Ultimately they end up exporting jihadists to Turkey and then make it appear like this is Turkey’s problem.”

In the border area, the official involved in intelligence matters acknowledged, “there are many smuggling routes and it’s not possible to block them all.”

In the first years of the Syrian civil war, now approaching its fifth year, jihadists moved easily across the border, often with the help of Turkish agents acting on behalf of a government eager to enable the downfall of the Syrian president, Bashar al-Assad.

Turkey’s belief that Mr. Assad would fall quickly never materialized, and even as jihadists have come to dominate the battlefields, Turkey still sees Mr. Assad as its primary enemy. At the same time, analysts and officials said, Turkey is increasingly worried that should it take a tougher stance on the Islamic State there could be retaliation inside Turkey, in the form of attacks by ISIS cells known to operate within the country.

Turkey has long pushed for a buffer zone in northern Syria. This area, say the Turks, would allow a safe space for refugees and an opposition government to set roots on Syrian soil, and for moderate rebels — who could fight both the Assad government and ISIS — to train. The United States has so far been opposed to this, saying it would entail a significant expansion of the military operation, including establishing a no-fly zone.

But as worries increase over the threat posed by foreign jihadists, the idea could be revived, some analysts and officials said.

“The buffer zone is the only solution for the crisis of the refugees and the crisis of the extremists and foreign fighters in Syria,” said Col. Ziad Obeid, a commander in the Free Syrian Army who is based near the Syrian border in southern Turkey and has been involved in discussions with the Turks about a buffer zone.

As the wars in Syria and Iraq rage on, and the international coalition struggles for an effective strategy, there is a deepening sense among Western officials that they will have to accept a limited role from Turkey.

“We have a complicated ongoing discussion with the Turks, all of the Turkish government elements, about the specific ways in which Turkey can contribute to the coalition,” Mr. Rasmussen, the terrorism official, said in recent congressional testimony. “It is truly a mixed story.”

In the border region, smugglers say they have no choice but to continue ferrying foreigners to Syria to join the Islamic State. Despite Turkish efforts to shut down border gates that once allowed refugees and militants to cross freely to and from Syria, Turkish smugglers are still often found approaching people near border crossings to offer their services.

Mustafa, the smuggler, estimated that in recent years he has helped about 200 foreigners get across the border to fight. In the beginning, he said, he did so willingly and mostly for Jabhet al-Nusra, a group affiliated with Al Qaeda-and from which ISIS, a more brutal outfit, broke away.

Then, he was happy to help Nusra. “They were the real jihadis,” he said. “They were fighting Assad. ISIS is killing everyone, even the Sunnis.”


عدل سابقا من قبل MrHBK في الأربعاء 24 فبراير 2016 - 8:11 عدل 1 مرات
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الـبلد : سلسلة حتي لا ننسي: تركيا الراعي الرسمي للأرهاب - صفحة 2 Egypt110
التسجيل : 13/11/2013
عدد المساهمات : 116
معدل النشاط : 145
التقييم : 14
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المروحية : سلسلة حتي لا ننسي: تركيا الراعي الرسمي للأرهاب - صفحة 2 Unknow11

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مُساهمةموضوع: رد: سلسلة حتي لا ننسي: تركيا الراعي الرسمي للأرهاب   سلسلة حتي لا ننسي: تركيا الراعي الرسمي للأرهاب - صفحة 2 Icon_m10الإثنين 22 فبراير 2016 - 6:20

ISIS Fighter Claims Turkey Funds the Jihadist Group
مقاتل داعشي يزعم تركيا تمول الجماعه الجهاديه 
سلسلة حتي لا ننسي: تركيا الراعي الرسمي للأرهاب - صفحة 2 Erdogan-turkey-pm
by MARY CHASTAIN30 Jul 2014286

Turkey Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan and his AK Party have a well developed reputation for anti-Semitism and anti-Israel policies generally. But now ties to the Islamic State, formerly known as ISIS, are emerging. The Jerusalem Postreported one Islamic State member said Turkey, a member of NATO, provided funds for the terrorist group.

“Turkey paved the way for us. Had Turkey not shown such understanding for us, the Islamic State would not be in its current place. It [Turkey] showed us affection. Large [numbers] of our mujahedeen received medical treatment in Turkey,” said the man, who was not identified. “We do not have the support of Saudi Arabia, but many Saudi families who believe in jihad do assist us. But anyhow, we will no longer need it, soon,” he said.

“We will build the Islamic state in the territories from Tigris to Jordan and Palestine and to Lebanon. Sunni Law will rule,” he continued.

The terrorists took over Azaz, a key town in Syria near the border of Turkey in September 2013. That is significant because Turkey “vocally supported the fight against forces loyal to President Bashar al-Assad and allowed weapons to cross into Syria on its southern border.” The capture of Azaz allowed easier access to the jihadists. Two months later, CNNfeatured Turkey’s secret jihadi route to Syria.

Now, ISIS is speaking with Turkey businesses and asking them to return to Iraq.

“Turkish companies have signed major contracts in Iraq, promising to keep their shelves stocked,” said Turkey’s Minister of Economy Nihat Zeybekci. “Our exports to Iraq are now down to 35%, but Iraq cannot easily substitute other sources. We think there will be a boom in demand soon. We also know that IS is contacting individual Turkish businessmen and telling them, ‘Come back, we won’t interfere.’ That is not easy, of course. But when in the future Iraq is rebuilt, it will be Turkey doing it.”

The Islamic State declared a caliphate in areas of Syria and Iraq. There are no confirmations the Islamic State is involved in the Gaza-Israel conflict, but the group made it known they desire a worldwide caliphate. ISIS was present at an anti-Israel rally in the Netherlands and chanted, “Death to the Jews.” On Wednesday, ISIS said the group will aid Palestine when they are finished in Iraq and Syria.

If they feel a kinship with Palestinians, however, there is evidence that that feeling is not mutual. Palestinian TV recently broadcast a comedy sketch mocking ISIS, where the punchline was that, when confronted with an Americanized Israeli, ISIS let them live while killing “infidel” Muslims.

“As for the massacres taking place in Gaza against the Muslim men, women and children, then the Islamic State will do everything within its means to continue striking down every apostate who stands as an obstacle on its paths towards Palestine,” ISIS said in a statement. “It is only matter of time and patience before it (Islamic State) reaches Palestine to fight the barbaric Jews and kill those of them hiding behind the gharqad trees of the Jews.”

The American Jewish Congress asked Erdogan to return his 2004 Profile of Courage Award and described him as “the most virulent anti-Israel leader in the world.” Erdogan replied he would be more than happy to return the award due to Israel’s actions in Gaza. On July 18, he accused Israel of genocide and lashed out at Muslim countries for not doing enough to protect Palestine. Turkey’s Foreign Minister Ahmet Davutoglu said Israel’s actions amount to “ethnic cleansing and a crime against humanity.”

Erdogan and Davutoglu aired these statements as violent, anti-Jewish protests at the Israeli embassy and consulates across Turkey put Turkish citizens in danger. Israel recalled its diplomats and families. Israeli Foreign Minister Avigdor Liberman said the Turkish government did nothing to protect its citizens “as rocks were thrown at the Istanbul consulate and the Israeli flag was reportedly torn down and replaced with the Palestinian one at the Ankara embassy.” Newsweek reported Alev Scott said the police were “lenient with protesters compared to the anti-government protests last May.” Erdogan did promise to keep Turkish Jews safe from mobs and protests but asked them to condemn Israel.

“Jews in Turkey are our citizens. We are responsible for their security of life and property,”he said. “I talked with our Jewish citizens’ leaders on Thursday and I stated that they should adopt a firm stance and release a statement against the Israeli government. I will contact them [Jewish leaders in Turkey] again, but whether or not they release a statement, we will never let Jewish people in Turkey get hurt.”


عدل سابقا من قبل MrHBK في الأربعاء 24 فبراير 2016 - 8:12 عدل 1 مرات
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الـبلد : سلسلة حتي لا ننسي: تركيا الراعي الرسمي للأرهاب - صفحة 2 Egypt110
التسجيل : 13/11/2013
عدد المساهمات : 116
معدل النشاط : 145
التقييم : 14
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الطـــائرة : سلسلة حتي لا ننسي: تركيا الراعي الرسمي للأرهاب - صفحة 2 Unknow11
المروحية : سلسلة حتي لا ننسي: تركيا الراعي الرسمي للأرهاب - صفحة 2 Unknow11

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بالفيديو والصور... أردوغان يخسر التحدي أمام الدب الروسي
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17:03 02.12.2015(محدثة 17:19 11.12.2015) انسخ الرابط

تحدى الرئيس التركي رجب طيب أردوغان الرئيس الروسي فلاديمير بوتين، على أن يثبت الأخير صحة تورط الرئيس التركي في شراء النفط المسروق من داعش، مشيراً أنه إذا استطاعت روسيا إثبات هذا سيقوم بالاستقالة من منصبه.

وقال الرئيس التركي رجب طيب أردوغان أنه مستعد لتقديم استقالته إذا ثبت تورطه في عمليات شراء البترول المنهوب من العراق وسوريا بواسطة تنظيم داعش، ولكنه قد خسر التحدى بعدما فضحته وزارة الدفاع الروسية اليوم بنشر فيديوهات تؤكد تورطه بشكل كبير.
وكان الرئيس الروسي قد أعلن عن وجود كميات كبيرة من النفط في تركيا، تم استخراجها من المناطق التي يسيطر عليها تنظيم "داعش" الإرهابي، حيث يمثل النفط مصدرا هاما لتمويل تنظيم "داعش" الإرهابي. وقد نبهت روسيا إلى نقل كميات كبيرة من النفط من حقول نفطية يسيطر عليها هذا التنظيم إلى تركيا.
وأكد الرئيس الروسي فلاديمير بوتين، أنه تم نقل كميات كبيرة من النفط ومنتجاته من مناطق يحتلها تنظيم "داعش" إلى الأراضي التركية، وأشار إلى أن هذا النفط يمثل مصدرا هاما لتمويل التنظيمات الإرهابية.
وفازت روسيا بالتحدى، حيث قدمت وزارة الدفاع الروسية، اليوم الأربعاء، معطيات جديدة حول محاربة الإرهاب في سوريا وممولي التنظيمات الإرهابية، وقالت إن أردوغان وأفراد عائلته متورطون في عقد صفقات نفط مع "داعش".
 وأضافت أن هناك صورا فضائية تظهر 3 مسارات أساسية لتهريب "داعش" للنفط من سوريا إلى تركيا، لافتة إلى أن ناقلات نفط "داعش" بعد عبورها الحدود السورية مع تركيا دون أي عوائق تذهب إلى الموانئ لنقل النفط عبر السفن إلى بلد ثالث لتكريره.
وأفادت بأن "داعش" يرسل معظم القافلات إلى تركيا ليلا، مستخدما 8500 شاحنة لتهريب 200 ألف برميل من النفط يوميا، وتعتبر تركيا المستهلك الرئيسي للنفط الداعشي.ودعت وزارة الدفاع الروسية أنقرة إلى السماح بتفتيش المناطق التي يشتبه بأنه فيها ممرات لتهريب النفط المسروق من قبل تنظيم "داعش"، وترى الوزارة أنه لإلحاق الهزيمة بتنظيم "داعش" يجب توجيه ضربة قاسية إلى مصادر تمويله.

الرجوع الى أعلى الصفحة اذهب الى الأسفل

عريـــف أول
عريـــف أول

الـبلد : سلسلة حتي لا ننسي: تركيا الراعي الرسمي للأرهاب - صفحة 2 Egypt110
التسجيل : 13/11/2013
عدد المساهمات : 116
معدل النشاط : 145
التقييم : 14
الدبـــابة : سلسلة حتي لا ننسي: تركيا الراعي الرسمي للأرهاب - صفحة 2 Unknow11
الطـــائرة : سلسلة حتي لا ننسي: تركيا الراعي الرسمي للأرهاب - صفحة 2 Unknow11
المروحية : سلسلة حتي لا ننسي: تركيا الراعي الرسمي للأرهاب - صفحة 2 Unknow11

سلسلة حتي لا ننسي: تركيا الراعي الرسمي للأرهاب - صفحة 2 Empty10

سلسلة حتي لا ننسي: تركيا الراعي الرسمي للأرهاب - صفحة 2 Empty

مُساهمةموضوع: رد: سلسلة حتي لا ننسي: تركيا الراعي الرسمي للأرهاب   سلسلة حتي لا ننسي: تركيا الراعي الرسمي للأرهاب - صفحة 2 Icon_m10الإثنين 22 فبراير 2016 - 6:25

أسير داعشي يكشف مسار عناصر التنظيم إلى سوريا وطرق إعدادهم
تاريخ النشر:25.12.2015 | 13:14 GMT | أخبار العالم
سلسلة حتي لا ننسي: تركيا الراعي الرسمي للأرهاب - صفحة 2 567d3cecc46188bc5b8b45dd

Sputnik Hikmet Durgun

أسير "داعش" لدى مسلحين أكراد

انسخ الرابط
كشف أحد عناصر "داعش" أسره مسلحون أكراد عن أنه كان يتدرب على القتال ورفاقه في أضنة التركية متسترين بانتمائهم للـ"الجيش السوري الحر".
وفي حديث لوكالة "سبوتنيك" كشف الأسير الداعشي ذو الـ20 عاما، عن أنه التحق بتنظيم ما يسمى بـ"الدولة الإسلامية" سنة 2013 للقتال ضد القوات الحكومية السورية.
وذكر أنه في أغسطس/آب 2014 تلقى تدريباته في أضنة، في إطار جماعة قوامها ستون عنصرا كانت تتدرب مرة في الأسبوع على الرماية من بندقية كلاشنكوف الآلية، والرشاشات وغيرها من الأسلحة.
وقال: "كنا نتدرب في تركيا، وذلك نظرا لأن قيادة "الدولة الإسلامية" اعتبرت وجودنا هناك آمنا، لا سيما وأن التدريب في سوريا كان متعذرا على وقع الغارات الجوية".
وأضاف: "لقد كتبت وسائل الإعلام أننا نتلقى التدريب في معسكر تابع للـ"الجيش السوري الحر"، إلا أن جميع المتدربين في معسكرنا كانوا تابعين لـ"الدولة الإسلامية" حصرا. بين عناصر الجماعة سوريون وعدد كبير منهم جاؤوا إلى تركيا طلبا للعمل في بادئ الأمر، لكنهم سرعان ما انضموا في وقت لاحق إلى "الدولة الإسلامية".
وأشار إلى أن المهمة الرئيسية التي أوكلت إليه خلال نشاطه المدني في إطار "داعش" تمثلت في استقبال السوريين القادمين إلى تركيا، وأنه كان يتواصل معهم عبر الانترنيت ويساعدهم في الوصول إلى تركيا والالتحاق بالتدريب.
واستطرد قائلا: "بعد انتهاء التدريب كنا نرسل المقاتلين إلى أورفا التركية، ومنها إلى الرقة ليصار هناك إلى توزيعهم لينتشروا في مناطق مختلفة في سوريا"، مشيرا إلى أن الأسلحة كانت تصل إلى عناصر التنظيم من العراق على متن شاحنات مدنية تحت ستار المساعدات الإنسانية والأغذية، فيما كانت تصل الأسلحة الثقيلة من الشدادي في محافظة الحسكة السورية.
وفي ختام إفادته، عبر الأسير الداعشي عن أسفه وندمه على الالتحاق بـ"داعش"، حيث قال: "ما قرأته عن "داعش" وما رأيته في الواقع أمران متناقضان بالمطلق".
هذا، ووقع الداعشي المذكور وهو عربي يدعى عبد الرحمن عبد الهادي في الأسر خلال اشتباكات مع مسلحين أكراد الشهر الجاري، ولا يزال قابعا في ما يسمى بسجون فصائل "الدفاع الشعبي الكردية" التي تقاتل الإرهابيين شمال سوريا.
وتشير الكثير من الدول والأوساط إلى ارتباط تركيا بتنظيم "داعش" الإرهابي وتقديم الدعم اللوجستي اللازم له، فضلا عن تمرير عناصره إلى الأراضي السورية واستقبال الجرحى منهم في مستشفياتها، فضلا عن الاتهامات المباشرة التي وجهتها روسيا على لسان كبار المسؤولين لأنقرة بالتورط كذلك بتجارة نفط "داعش" المنهوب من سوريا والعراق.
ولا يخفى على أحد أن "الجيش السوري الحر" الذي يتخذ من محافظة هاتاي التركية المحاذية للحدود السورية مقرا لقياداته، تصنفه أنقرة بين فصائل "المعارضة المعتدلة".
المصدر: نوفوستي

الرجوع الى أعلى الصفحة اذهب الى الأسفل

عريـــف أول
عريـــف أول

الـبلد : سلسلة حتي لا ننسي: تركيا الراعي الرسمي للأرهاب - صفحة 2 Egypt110
التسجيل : 13/11/2013
عدد المساهمات : 116
معدل النشاط : 145
التقييم : 14
الدبـــابة : سلسلة حتي لا ننسي: تركيا الراعي الرسمي للأرهاب - صفحة 2 Unknow11
الطـــائرة : سلسلة حتي لا ننسي: تركيا الراعي الرسمي للأرهاب - صفحة 2 Unknow11
المروحية : سلسلة حتي لا ننسي: تركيا الراعي الرسمي للأرهاب - صفحة 2 Unknow11

سلسلة حتي لا ننسي: تركيا الراعي الرسمي للأرهاب - صفحة 2 Empty10

سلسلة حتي لا ننسي: تركيا الراعي الرسمي للأرهاب - صفحة 2 Empty

مُساهمةموضوع: رد: سلسلة حتي لا ننسي: تركيا الراعي الرسمي للأرهاب   سلسلة حتي لا ننسي: تركيا الراعي الرسمي للأرهاب - صفحة 2 Icon_m10الإثنين 22 فبراير 2016 - 6:26

سلسلة حتي لا ننسي: تركيا الراعي الرسمي للأرهاب - صفحة 2 12316364_1683140725262010_6470956261198443905_n
سلسلة حتي لا ننسي: تركيا الراعي الرسمي للأرهاب - صفحة 2 12299383_1683141295261953_8454922247525917889_n
سلسلة حتي لا ننسي: تركيا الراعي الرسمي للأرهاب - صفحة 2 12316658_1683162731926476_1221859329581891896_n
سلسلة حتي لا ننسي: تركيا الراعي الرسمي للأرهاب - صفحة 2 12342318_1683163138593102_8556182763438009332_n

الرجوع الى أعلى الصفحة اذهب الى الأسفل

عريـــف أول
عريـــف أول

الـبلد : سلسلة حتي لا ننسي: تركيا الراعي الرسمي للأرهاب - صفحة 2 Egypt110
التسجيل : 13/11/2013
عدد المساهمات : 116
معدل النشاط : 145
التقييم : 14
الدبـــابة : سلسلة حتي لا ننسي: تركيا الراعي الرسمي للأرهاب - صفحة 2 Unknow11
الطـــائرة : سلسلة حتي لا ننسي: تركيا الراعي الرسمي للأرهاب - صفحة 2 Unknow11
المروحية : سلسلة حتي لا ننسي: تركيا الراعي الرسمي للأرهاب - صفحة 2 Unknow11

سلسلة حتي لا ننسي: تركيا الراعي الرسمي للأرهاب - صفحة 2 Empty10

سلسلة حتي لا ننسي: تركيا الراعي الرسمي للأرهاب - صفحة 2 Empty

مُساهمةموضوع: رد: سلسلة حتي لا ننسي: تركيا الراعي الرسمي للأرهاب   سلسلة حتي لا ننسي: تركيا الراعي الرسمي للأرهاب - صفحة 2 Icon_m10الإثنين 22 فبراير 2016 - 6:30

تركيا تعتقل 9 بريطانيين حاولوا العبور لسوريا
سلسلة حتي لا ننسي: تركيا الراعي الرسمي للأرهاب - صفحة 2 1-735066
قوات عسكرية تركية قرب الحدود مع سوريا - أرشيفية

أبوظبي - سكاي نيوز عربية

اعتقلت قوات الأمن التركية 9 بريطانيين، حاولوا عبور الحدود بطريقة غير مشروعة إلى سوريا، حسبما أعلن الجيش التركي، الأربعاء.

وتم اعتقال البريطانيين قرب إقليم خطاي على الجانب التركي من الحدود السورية، ولم يتضح لماذا كانوا يحاولون عبور الحدود.
وفي لندن قالت وزارة الخارجية إنها تعلم بالتقارير عن اعتقال هؤلاء الأشخاص، وقال متحدث باسم الوزارة: "نحن على اتصال بالسلطات التركية ومستعدون لتقديم مساعدة قنصلية".
وتقدر بريطانيا أن نحو 600 من مواطنيها ذهبوا إلى سوريا أوالعراق للانضمام إلى جماعات متشددة، بينهم جون الذي ظهر في عدة تسجيلات فيديو لـ"داعش" يذبح رهائن، ويعتقد أن نحو نصف هذا العدد عاد إلى بريطانيا.
وانضم آلاف الأجانب من دول مختلفة إلى صفوف الجماعات المسلحة في سوريا والعراق، معظمهم عبر الحدود من تركيا التي تواجه انتقادات لأنها لا تسيطر بدرجة كافية على حدودها الجنوبية الشرقية.

الرجوع الى أعلى الصفحة اذهب الى الأسفل

عريـــف أول
عريـــف أول

الـبلد : سلسلة حتي لا ننسي: تركيا الراعي الرسمي للأرهاب - صفحة 2 Egypt110
التسجيل : 13/11/2013
عدد المساهمات : 116
معدل النشاط : 145
التقييم : 14
الدبـــابة : سلسلة حتي لا ننسي: تركيا الراعي الرسمي للأرهاب - صفحة 2 Unknow11
الطـــائرة : سلسلة حتي لا ننسي: تركيا الراعي الرسمي للأرهاب - صفحة 2 Unknow11
المروحية : سلسلة حتي لا ننسي: تركيا الراعي الرسمي للأرهاب - صفحة 2 Unknow11

سلسلة حتي لا ننسي: تركيا الراعي الرسمي للأرهاب - صفحة 2 Empty10

سلسلة حتي لا ننسي: تركيا الراعي الرسمي للأرهاب - صفحة 2 Empty

مُساهمةموضوع: رد: سلسلة حتي لا ننسي: تركيا الراعي الرسمي للأرهاب   سلسلة حتي لا ننسي: تركيا الراعي الرسمي للأرهاب - صفحة 2 Icon_m10الإثنين 22 فبراير 2016 - 6:32

سلسلة حتي لا ننسي: تركيا الراعي الرسمي للأرهاب - صفحة 2 1016599598.thumb.jpg.b0fb7b8dea1e953a0dd8707c3d761522
روسيا تكشف مسارا جديدا لتهريب النفط السوري
تستمر الطائرات الروسية في تدمير المنشآت النفطية التابعة للإرهابيين في سوريا.
أبلغ الجنرال سيرغي رودسكوي، المسؤول في هيئة الأركان العامة للقوات المسلحة الروسية، الصحفيين، الجمعة، أن الطائرات الروسية التي تشارك في مكافحة الإرهاب في سوريا دمرت، في الأسبوع الماضي، 36 منشأة نفطية تابعة للإرهابيين و17 قافلة من السيارات المحملة بالنفط الذي استولى عليه الإرهابيون.
وتم مؤخرا اكتشاف مسار جديد لتهريب الإرهابيين للنفط السوري.
وأوضح الجنرال رودسكوي أن هذا المسار ينطلق من محافظة دير الزور نحو "الموصل" و"زاهو" في شمال العراق، مشيرا إلى أن النفط المهرب يصل في النهاية إلى تركيا.


الرجوع الى أعلى الصفحة اذهب الى الأسفل

عريـــف أول
عريـــف أول

الـبلد : سلسلة حتي لا ننسي: تركيا الراعي الرسمي للأرهاب - صفحة 2 Egypt110
التسجيل : 13/11/2013
عدد المساهمات : 116
معدل النشاط : 145
التقييم : 14
الدبـــابة : سلسلة حتي لا ننسي: تركيا الراعي الرسمي للأرهاب - صفحة 2 Unknow11
الطـــائرة : سلسلة حتي لا ننسي: تركيا الراعي الرسمي للأرهاب - صفحة 2 Unknow11
المروحية : سلسلة حتي لا ننسي: تركيا الراعي الرسمي للأرهاب - صفحة 2 Unknow11

سلسلة حتي لا ننسي: تركيا الراعي الرسمي للأرهاب - صفحة 2 Empty10

سلسلة حتي لا ننسي: تركيا الراعي الرسمي للأرهاب - صفحة 2 Empty

مُساهمةموضوع: رد: سلسلة حتي لا ننسي: تركيا الراعي الرسمي للأرهاب   سلسلة حتي لا ننسي: تركيا الراعي الرسمي للأرهاب - صفحة 2 Icon_m10الإثنين 22 فبراير 2016 - 6:33

10 Youths Arrested in Montreal on Suspicion of Planning to Join Jihadist Groups
اعتقال 10 شباب في مونتريال للاشتباه في التخطيط للانضمام الي جماعات جهاديه 
London, Ontario / (CFPL AM) AM 980

May 20, 2015 07:40 am
سلسلة حتي لا ننسي: تركيا الراعي الرسمي للأرهاب - صفحة 2 Rcmp-cruiser
The RCMP has arrested ten young people suspected of trying to leave the country to join jihadist groups overseas.

The arrests happened last weekend at Montreal’s Trudeau International Airport but were announced late Tuesday. No charged have been laid but the investigation is ongoing. In a statement, the RCMP said it is unable to release any names or information on what led to the arrests.

The passports for all ten, described as young Montrealers, have been confiscated.

“I commend the RCMP and the Integrated National Security Enforcement Team for their continued vigilance in keeping our streets and communities safe from the ongoing global terror threat,” Public Safety Minister Steven Blaney said in a statement.

While charges haven’t been laid investigators with the RCMP have met with family and friends of the suspects.

“These are very difficult times for the relatives and loved ones of the persons arrested, as the decision to leave the country was not that of the family, but of a single family member,” the RCMP said in a statement. “As a result, family members often find themselves at a complete loss and unable to understand the decision made by the youth.”

The arrests come on the heels of a report six young people from the Montreal area left Canada in mid-January to jihadist groups in the Middle East.

The Canadian Press report the six people went to Turkey, which is a well-known gateway to jihadists groups based in Syria and Iraq. The six are believed to be between the ages of 18 and 20.

Montreal has been a hot bed for young people attempting to leave the country. A young man and woman, both 18, were also arrested last month. El Mahdi Jamali and Sabrine Djermane later pleaded not guilty to four charges, including attempting to leave Canada to commit a terrorist act abroad.

In March, an Alberta teen was arrested on allegations he was planning to leave Canada to fight with Islamic State militants.


عدل سابقا من قبل MrHBK في الأربعاء 24 فبراير 2016 - 8:13 عدل 2 مرات
الرجوع الى أعلى الصفحة اذهب الى الأسفل

عريـــف أول
عريـــف أول

الـبلد : سلسلة حتي لا ننسي: تركيا الراعي الرسمي للأرهاب - صفحة 2 Egypt110
التسجيل : 13/11/2013
عدد المساهمات : 116
معدل النشاط : 145
التقييم : 14
الدبـــابة : سلسلة حتي لا ننسي: تركيا الراعي الرسمي للأرهاب - صفحة 2 Unknow11
الطـــائرة : سلسلة حتي لا ننسي: تركيا الراعي الرسمي للأرهاب - صفحة 2 Unknow11
المروحية : سلسلة حتي لا ننسي: تركيا الراعي الرسمي للأرهاب - صفحة 2 Unknow11

سلسلة حتي لا ننسي: تركيا الراعي الرسمي للأرهاب - صفحة 2 Empty10

سلسلة حتي لا ننسي: تركيا الراعي الرسمي للأرهاب - صفحة 2 Empty

مُساهمةموضوع: رد: سلسلة حتي لا ننسي: تركيا الراعي الرسمي للأرهاب   سلسلة حتي لا ننسي: تركيا الراعي الرسمي للأرهاب - صفحة 2 Icon_m10الإثنين 22 فبراير 2016 - 6:35

Turkey opposition accuses government of sending arms to Syria
اتهامات من المعارضه التركيه للحكومه بارسال السلاح الي سوريا 
سلسلة حتي لا ننسي: تركيا الراعي الرسمي للأرهاب - صفحة 2 D19448d6-6aaa-4359-a768-eadacf5fbca9_afp-gif_new 

May 20, 2015 7:26 AM

سلسلة حتي لا ننسي: تركيا الراعي الرسمي للأرهاب - صفحة 2 5f02a26d40cfe33f8a83f30ffd48d3f6fd2755b8


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An image grab taken from a video released on March 17, 2014 by the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant's al-Furqan Media allegedly shows ISIL fighters raising their weapons with the Jihadist flag at an undisclosed location (AFP Photo)
Ankara (AFP) - Turkish opposition leader Kemal Kilicdaroglu on Wednesday accused the government of delivering arms to Islamist rebels in Syria, pledging to seal the border to such traffic if he came to power.

Turkey has been under fire for allegedly shipping arms to insurgents fighting to bring down the regime of President Bashar al-Assad -- charges vehemently denied by Ankara.

"There are videos showing how cases in trucks were opened and images of bombs. I also watched them," Kilicdaroglu of the Republican People's Party (CHP), told the Hurriyet newspaper in an interview.

"There is nothing to hide here," he said.

Kilicdaroglu pledged to bolster security on the Turkish-Syrian border if his CHP party came to power in June 7 general elections.

Polls show the CHP running in second place, after the ruling AKP party.

"With the CHP in power, the border would return to its former state and we would provide border security," Kilicdaroglu said.

His comments come amid growing controversy over the arrests of dozens of soldiers, police and prosecutors over inspections of Turkish National Intelligence Organisation (MIT) vehicles bound for Syria in January 2014.

Leaked documents circulating on the Internet claimed the seized trucks were delivering weapons to Islamist rebels fighting Assad, a former ally of Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan.

"We will not allow illegal border crossings," Kilicdaroglu said. "And MIT trucks will not shuttle back and forth."

Erdogan at the weekend said that the checks on the trucks were "treason" and deserved to be punished.

Tensions over foreign policy are running high in the run-up to the election, with some top CHP figures claiming that Ankara is planning to militarily intervene in Syria as a publicity stunt ahead of the vote.

The government has ridiculed the claim as "lies".

There have also been claims that Turkey and its close ally Qatar supplied arms to Al-Qaeda-linked rebels to help them take the region of Idlib from Assad's forces earlier last month.


عدل سابقا من قبل MrHBK في الأربعاء 24 فبراير 2016 - 8:14 عدل 1 مرات
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الـبلد : سلسلة حتي لا ننسي: تركيا الراعي الرسمي للأرهاب - صفحة 2 Egypt110
التسجيل : 13/11/2013
عدد المساهمات : 116
معدل النشاط : 145
التقييم : 14
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مروان فارس: الأتراك ينفذون السياسة الأميركية الداعمة للإرهاب في المنطقة
سلسلة حتي لا ننسي: تركيا الراعي الرسمي للأرهاب - صفحة 2 12279047_548193615330674_2306455805961053077_n.thumb.jpg.edc8800cdd3da0e7bd439afc5420580a
أكد عضو كتلة "الحزب السوري القومي الاجتماعي"، النائب مروان فارس، الاثنين، لـ"سبوتنيك"، أن ترشيح النائب سليمان فرنجية لرئاسة الجمهورية اللبنانية، هو ترشيح جدي للوصول إلى ملء الفراغ الرئاسي في لبنان.
وفي الشأن السوري، اعتبر فارس أن التدخل العسكري الروسي في سوريا تدخل فعلي لإلغاء عملية الإرهاب، وموقف إيران وروسيا إلى جانب سوريا هو الذي سيأتي بحل قريب للأزمة السورية.
سبوتنيك: هل الظروف والتسويات باتت مهيأة لإتمام الاستحقاق الرئاسي في الجلسة المقبلة لمجلس النواب؟
فارس: مبدئياً عين رئيس مجلس النواب نبيه بري تاريخ 16 الشهر الجاري موعدا لانتخاب رئيس للجمهورية، وأعتقد أن كل الأمور تسير باتجاهات جديدة، وباتجاه ترشيح النائب سليمان فرنجية لرئاسة الجمهورية، ونحن نعتبر فرنجية من ضمن  فريق الثامن من آذار، وأعتقد أن الخيارات ما بين فرنجية والنائب ميشال عون ليست صعبة كثيراً، لأنهم من نفس الخط والفريق والنهج، على الصعيد الوطني وعلى صعيد العلاقة مع سوريا.
أعتقد أننا أمام امتحان صعب لانتخاب رئيس للجمهورية، إنما الثابت فهو ضرورة إجراء الانتخابات بأقصى سرعة ممكنة، وخيار سليمان فرنجية خيار جدي للوصول إلى إملاء الفراغ الرئاسي في لبنان.
سبوتنيك: بعد تحرير العسكريين المخطوفين، ظهر إلى العيان سيطرة المجموعات الإرهابية على بلدة عرسال، على من تقع هذه المسؤولية؟ وكيف من الممكن تحرير هذه البلدة؟
فارس: المطلوب من الجيش اللبناني وضع حد للإرهابيين المتواجدين داخل بلدة عرسال، عرسال قرية كبيرة كانت دائماً إلى جانب المقاومة والخط الوطني، ولكن قدم الإرهابيين والتكفيريين ليغيروا تاريخ هذه القرية.
سبوتنيك: ولكن هل الجيش اللبناني قادر على الدخول في مواجهة مع هذه هذه التنظيمات التكفيرية؟
فارس: الجيش اللبناني قادر والمطلوب منه وضع حد لدخول الإرهابيين إلى البلدة، والجيش منتشر في عرسال من خلال الحواجز العسكرية في البلدة، ولكن لا بد من تضامن أهالي البقاع ضد التكفيريين، وهناك إجماع في لبنان ضد التكفيريين.
سبوتنيك: برأيكم هل أثمرت الغارات الروسية في إضعاف قوة الجماعات الإرهابية في سوريا؟
فارس: أعتقد أن التدخل الروسي إلى جانب الجيش العربي السوري، هو تدخل فعلي لتدمير الإرهاب، الطيران الروسي يدعم الجيش السوري والتنسيق السوري الروسي هو تنسيق سيضع حدا للإرهابيين، خاصة أن الدواعش يهربون من مدينة الرقة ويذهبون باتجاه العراق والموصل، المعركة كبيرة مع الإرهاب، خاصة أن الإرهاب الآن يطال الدول الأوروبية حتى الولايات المتحدة.
سبوتنيك: إلى ماذا تعزو هذا الغضب التركي من التدخل الروسي في المعارك الدائرة في سوريا؟
فارس: الأتراك يريدون منطقة آمنة في سوريا، مع أن الرئيس السوري بشار الأسد قدم لهم لواء الإسكندرون، الأتراك ينفذون السياسة الأميركية في المنطقة والسياسة الأميركية داعمة للإرهابيين والدواعش.
سبوتنيك: برأيكم هل سيتم التوصل إلى حل سياسي للأزمة السورية في القريب العاجل؟
فارس: نحن على طريق الحل… وموقف إيران وروسيا إلى جانب سوريا، هو الذي سيأتي بحل قريب.
(أجرت الحوار: زهراء الأمير)

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الـبلد : سلسلة حتي لا ننسي: تركيا الراعي الرسمي للأرهاب - صفحة 2 Egypt110
التسجيل : 13/11/2013
عدد المساهمات : 116
معدل النشاط : 145
التقييم : 14
الدبـــابة : سلسلة حتي لا ننسي: تركيا الراعي الرسمي للأرهاب - صفحة 2 Unknow11
الطـــائرة : سلسلة حتي لا ننسي: تركيا الراعي الرسمي للأرهاب - صفحة 2 Unknow11
المروحية : سلسلة حتي لا ننسي: تركيا الراعي الرسمي للأرهاب - صفحة 2 Unknow11

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US urges Turkey to close off its Syrian border to ISIS - media
امريكا تحث تركيا علي اغلاق حدودها في وجه داعش 
Published time: 28 Nov, 2015 10:47
Edited time: 30 Nov, 2015 18:06
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Turkish soldiers © Murad Sezer / Reuters
Washington is urging Ankara to seal off a 100-kilometer stretch of borderline with Syria currently used by Islamic State for transportation of fighters and supplies into the Syrian war zone. The Turkish Army would need an estimated 30,000 personnel to do this.
The Obama administration is urging Turkey to ensure Islamic State (IS, formerly ISIS/ISIL) in Syria receives no supplies through the Turkish border, the Wall Street Journal reports, citing sources in Washington. The request involves sealing off part of the frontier between the western Turkish town of Kilis and Jarabulus in eastern Syrian.

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Mystery over who bombed Turkish convoy allegedly carrying weapons to militants in Syria

“The game has changed. Enough is enough! The border needs to be sealed,” the WSJ cited a senior Obama administration official as saying in a message from the US government to Turkey. “This is an international threat, and it’s all coming out of Syria and it’s coming through Turkish territory.”

The US has called particular attention to a small part of the border between Jarabulus and Cobanbey, which is being used extensively by IS to transfer munitions and other supplies from Turkey to Syria, and foreign fighters in both directions.

A Pentagon official told the WSJ that cordoning off a section of the border would require the deployment of approximately 10,000 additional troops, while a “broader humanitarian mission” would demand a 30,000-strong task force.

“There’s no local, capable, motivated force that is prepared to clear this area at this time,” the WSJ cited a senior US defense official as saying. “There are two sides to every border. If Turkey is motivated to seal their border, there is nothing that’s stopping them from using their conventional forces to do so,” the official said.

Turkish officials say some steps in this direction are already being taken, although they believe the number of troops necessary for the task is exaggerated, according to the WSJ.

Turkey has a 640,000-strong military, estimated to be the eighth largest in the world, and Ankara is said to want to control things on their own terms.

“Turkey is determined to clean Daesh (Arabic acronym for Islamic State) from the 98 kilometers of border between Kilis and Jarabulus,” a senior Turkish government official said as cited by the WSJ. “There is no need to receive any kind of warning or advice from anyone, including our US partners.”

“Just closing down the border would not be enough to solve our problems and would not address Turkey’s demands,” a Turkish official said.

In July, President Barack Obama and Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan agreed in principle about a ground operation in Syria. It was understood that the forces on the ground would be Turkish-backed rebel groups consisting of Syrian Arabs and Turkmens, while the US would provide air support to the operation. Ankara also expected the US Air Force to maintain a no-fly zone over northern Syria, to protect rebels from the Syrian Air Force.


However, once Russia moved in and began a counter-terrorist operation of its own in Syria in late September, the US-Turkey plan to conduct a ground operation with rebel forces was scrapped.

After the attack of a Turkish F-16 fighter jet on a Russian Su-24 bomber on Tuesday, the Russian task force in Syria was enhanced with S-400 Triumph long-distance air defense complexes that cover most of Syria’s territory.

Both the American and Turkish air forces halted their strikes on Syrian territory around the time Russia deployed S-400 systems to the Khmeimin airbase, from where it stages its own incursions against Islamic State.


عدل سابقا من قبل MrHBK في الأربعاء 24 فبراير 2016 - 8:14 عدل 1 مرات
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الـبلد : سلسلة حتي لا ننسي: تركيا الراعي الرسمي للأرهاب - صفحة 2 Egypt110
التسجيل : 13/11/2013
عدد المساهمات : 116
معدل النشاط : 145
التقييم : 14
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الطـــائرة : سلسلة حتي لا ننسي: تركيا الراعي الرسمي للأرهاب - صفحة 2 Unknow11
المروحية : سلسلة حتي لا ننسي: تركيا الراعي الرسمي للأرهاب - صفحة 2 Unknow11

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Isis conflict: US urges Turkey to close its border with Syria
صراع داعش: امريكا تحث تركيا علي اغلاق حدودها مع سوريا 

  • By Jigmey Bhutia

    November 30, 2015 06:01 GMT

سلسلة حتي لا ننسي: تركيا الراعي الرسمي للأرهاب - صفحة 2 Us-president-barack-obama-g20

US wants the border between the western Turkish town of Kilis and eastern Syrian town of Jarabulus closedGetty Images

The US has urged Turkey to close a stretch of its border running 100 km alongside Syria, which has been used extensively by the Islamic State (Isis) to move its foreign fighters in and out of the war-torn country. It has been estimated that around 30,000 Turkish troops would be required to shut down the stretch of the border.

"The game has changed. Enough is enough! The border needs to be sealed," a senior US government official told the Wall Street Journal. "This is an international threat, and it's all coming out of Syria and it's coming through Turkish territory."

The US wants the border between the western Turkish town of Kilis and eastern Syrian town of Jarabulus closed. It also wants Ankara to keep a close watch on the border between Jarabulus and Cobanbey from where the IS sends most of its weapons and foreign fighters into Syria.

According to The Independent, Turkey has been criticised for its "long-term tolerance of, and possible complicity with" terror groups such as Jabhat al-Nusra Front and Ahrar al-Sham. Moreover, it is reported that Turkey is allowing IS to sell crude oil from its captured oilfield in Syria, giving the terror group much-needed revenue to finance its worldwide terror operations.

"There's no local, capable, motivated force that is prepared to clear this area at this time," a senior US defence official said. "There are two sides to every border. If Turkey is motivated to seal their border, there is nothing that's stopping them from using their conventional forces to do so," the official said.

Meanwhile, a senior Turkish government official said: "Turkey is determined to clean Daesh (Arabic acronym for Islamic State) from the 98 km of border between Kilis and Jarabulus. There is no need to receive any kind of warning or advice from anyone, including our US partners. Just closing down the border would not be enough to solve our problems and would not address Turkey's demands."

Officials have said necessary steps to close Turkey's borders with Syria have been taken but the US believes otherwise. The border situation has become problematic with IS foreign fighters getting trained in Syria and later launching attacks in Western countries. The jihadists have carried out numerous terror attacks on foreign soil, the most notable being the coordinatedattacks in Paris which killed 130 people.


عدل سابقا من قبل MrHBK في الأربعاء 24 فبراير 2016 - 8:15 عدل 1 مرات
الرجوع الى أعلى الصفحة اذهب الى الأسفل

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الـبلد : سلسلة حتي لا ننسي: تركيا الراعي الرسمي للأرهاب - صفحة 2 Egypt110
التسجيل : 13/11/2013
عدد المساهمات : 116
معدل النشاط : 145
التقييم : 14
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المروحية : سلسلة حتي لا ننسي: تركيا الراعي الرسمي للأرهاب - صفحة 2 Unknow11

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مُساهمةموضوع: رد: سلسلة حتي لا ننسي: تركيا الراعي الرسمي للأرهاب   سلسلة حتي لا ننسي: تركيا الراعي الرسمي للأرهاب - صفحة 2 Icon_m10الإثنين 22 فبراير 2016 - 6:44

Evidence reveals Turkish regime affair with ISIS as global threat – Iraqi militia to RT
الدليل يوضح الخطر العالمي بسبب علاقه النظام التركي مع داعش. مقاتل عراقي لروسيا اليوم 
Published time: 25 Dec, 2015 04:33
Edited time: 25 Dec, 2015 04:46
Get short URLTerrorists are freely crossing the Turkish border back and forth with Ankara providing militants with logistical support, military spokesman for the Iraqi militia told RT, citing “crystal clear” evidence gathered from prisoners and on the battlefield.

Iraq carnageIslamic State

According to Karim al-Nouri, spokesman for the Popular Front’s Badr Organization, one of Iraq’s most prominent Shiite militias, their forces were able to secure enough data from the dead ISIS terrorists’ bodies to directly implicate Turkey in involvement with Islamic State (IS, formerly ISIS/ISIL) affairs. While the terrorists meticulously destroy any possible evidence in possession of their fighters by burning their corpses along with any electronic devises carried by them, Shiite militia was able to secure some hard data.

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سلسلة حتي لا ننسي: تركيا الراعي الرسمي للأرهاب - صفحة 2 567c2873c361880a3c8b4576

Wiretapped calls reveal communication between Turkish officers and ISIS – report

“Recently we found a few of their phones which have messages of their orders, coordinates and data on movement of their people,” Nouri told RT. “The problem of ISIL did not just appear out of the blue, somebody is allowing them to freely cross borders… I want the audience to know the extent to which Turkey openly supports ISIS.”

Among the evidence which Nouri claims is now in possession of Iraqi intelligence are photos showing Turkish President Erdogan’s son doing business with ISIS representatives.

“We have photo material and comments on Erdogan’s son, material where he meets with ISIS heads,” Nouri said. “There is nothing fabricated in this case, there is no photoshop. These shots are real. They were made public by ISIS commanders themselves.”

Nouri hopes that Iraqi special forces will eventually come across audio recordings directly implicating the Turkish leadership in shady ISIS deals. The data collected is also being analyzed by Iraq's intelligence to the “degree of participation of the Turkish secret services and their involvement in ISIS affairs.”

READ MORE: Most smuggled ISIS oil goes to Turkey, sold at low prices – Norwegian report

Turkey, Nouri is certain, is responsible for treating ISIS fighters on their territory and offering them “safe havens” and transit points for jihadists to move freely and even go back to their home countries.

“From the contents of these conversations it becomes clear that, for example, a specific field commander says that such and such [militant] should be sent to Turkey for treatment,” he explained to RT.

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سلسلة حتي لا ننسي: تركيا الراعي الرسمي للأرهاب - صفحة 2 565b6e14c36188b00e8b4567

‘Oxygen for jihadists’: ISIS-smuggled oil flows through Turkey to intl markets – Iraqi MP

He says fighters come from Chechnya, Uzbekistan, and Saudi Arabia, among other countries. The spokesman acknowledged that data in possession of the Iraqi intelligence reveals that communications between ISIS and Turkish side are conducted in different languages – Kurdish, Turkuman, English, while they “rarely speak in Arabic.”

“We have documents that prove that the largest logistical support and supply routes are supplied by the Turks,” the spokesman claimed.

Nouri has personally seen one ISIS fighter’s confession of traveling back and forth from Turkey, as well as taking part in the massacre of some 600 Iraqi soldiers in June last year at the Speicher military base in Iraq’s Tikrit.

“Turkey became safe haven for them,” Nouri said. “They go to Turkey. There they are trained and recruited.”

Turkish affair with ISIS began with an aim to topple the regime of Syrian President Bashar Assad, but now that campaign has spread to Iraq, the spokesman says.

“Their goal was to topple Bashar Assad’s regime. And then they started supporting fighters in Iraq. In Syria and Iraq you have the armed groups that they [Turkey] persistently help,” he said.

In Iraq, Ankara’s strategy, according to Nouri, is to arm and supply the Islamic State to “dismember” Iraq along sectarian lines.

“He [Erdogan] wants to create a Sunni district in Iraq. It is very dangerous. Erdogan intends to contribute to the dismemberment of Iraq. That is why Turkish forces have not left the Iraqi territory till now,” Nouri said about the Turkish December 4 intrusion condemned in Baghdad as violation of country’s sovereignty.

After “checking and rechecking” all the evidence, Nouri says, the allegations will be made public.

“Everything is crystal clear to us here, but we need additional confirmation,” Nouri explained. “We have prisoners, we have some confessions that we want to show the world so that the world can be convinced of the magnitude of threat the Turkish regime poses to the region and to the entire world.”


عدل سابقا من قبل MrHBK في الأربعاء 24 فبراير 2016 - 8:16 عدل 1 مرات
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التسجيل : 13/11/2013
عدد المساهمات : 116
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مُساهمةموضوع: رد: سلسلة حتي لا ننسي: تركيا الراعي الرسمي للأرهاب   سلسلة حتي لا ننسي: تركيا الراعي الرسمي للأرهاب - صفحة 2 Icon_m10الإثنين 22 فبراير 2016 - 6:48

Oh what a lovely war! Remarkable video shows ISIS fighters strolling right up Turkish border checkpoint for a relaxing chat with guards 
يالها من حرب جميله. فيديو رائع يبين مقاتلي داعش يمرون بجانب نقطه تفتيش حدوديه تركيه و نقاش هادئ مع حراسها 

  • Amateur footage shows militants casually wandering up to Turkish border 

  • Pair display shocking bravado waving at camera while carrying large guns

  • Greeted at border by Turkish security officials who break into conversation

  • Group chat for a short time before fighters wander back towards Kobane

  • Militants heard chanting 'Allahu Akbar' and making jihadist hand gestures

  • Video raises new questions over Turkish border guards' relations with ISIS

PUBLISHED: 17:44 GMT, 28 October 2014 | UPDATED: 19:32 GMT, 28 October 2014
A remarkable video has emerged purporting to show Islamic State militants chatting casually with a group of Turkish border guards near the besieged Syrian city of Kobane.
The amateur footage, understood to have been filmed close to Zarova Hill in the outskirts of Kobane, raises serious questions about the apparently relaxed relationship between the terror group and officials from the Nato member state.
It appears to show two heavily armed militants wandering nonchalantly up to the Turkish border fence - displaying shocking bravado as they smile and wave at the camera.
They are met by what appears to be a military vehicle full of security officials who, despite carrying weapons themselves, do little more than break into conversation with the jihadis, who eventually wander off back into Syria while shouting 'Allahu Akbar'.
Scroll down for video 
سلسلة حتي لا ننسي: تركيا الراعي الرسمي للأرهاب - صفحة 2 1414517994975_wps_55_image001_png
Militants: The two heavily armed Islamic State jihadis wander nonchalantly up to the Turkish border fence - displaying shocking bravado as they smile and wave at the camera
سلسلة حتي لا ننسي: تركيا الراعي الرسمي للأرهاب - صفحة 2 1414517886208_wps_52_Alleged_ISIS_fighters_cas
Conversation: The video shows Islamic State militants chatting casually with a group of Turkish border guards near the besieged Syrian city of Kobane
Alleged ISIS fighters casually chat with Turkish border guard
The video was uploaded to YouTube yesterday but is understood to have been filmed on October 22. The footage has not been independently verified.
The clip begins with the two apparent jihadists lighting fires near a group of cars, which are believed to have been abandoned by desperate Kurdish families who fled Kobane in recent weeks when ISIS militants stepped up their attacks on the city.
After appearing to realise they are being filmed from inside Turkey, the pair start walking towards the border fence, stopping only to mockingly wave at the amateur filmmaker.
As they reach the border fence, an armoured military vehicle belonging to Turkish border guards speeds up to meet them. Heavily armed officials jump out the back of the car and - after briefly talking on their radios, simply engage the men in conversation.
At one point the situation appears tense and a border guard scampers towards the militants with his gun briefly raised, but he stops seconds later and also begins talking to the men.
After several minutes chatting, the militants wander off, defiantly raising their index finger to the sky to represent jihadism while chanting 'Allahu Akbar' - a phrase that translates as 'God is the greatest'.
سلسلة حتي لا ننسي: تركيا الراعي الرسمي للأرهاب - صفحة 2 1414517898448_wps_53_Alleged_ISIS_fighters_cas
Responce: As the militants reach the border fence, an armoured military vehicle belonging to Turkish border guards speeds up to meet them
سلسلة حتي لا ننسي: تركيا الراعي الرسمي للأرهاب - صفحة 2 1414517834692_wps_49_Alleged_ISIS_fighters_cas
Casual: At one point the situation appears tense and a border guard scampers towards the militants with his gun briefly raised, but he stops seconds later and also begins talking to the men
سلسلة حتي لا ننسي: تركيا الراعي الرسمي للأرهاب - صفحة 2 1414518009785_wps_56_Alleged_ISIS_fighters_cas
Bravado: After several minutes chatting, the militants wander off, defiantly raising their index finger to the sky to represent jihadism while chanting 'Allahu Akbar' - a phrase that translates as 'God is the greatest'
The shocking video raises yet more questions of Ankara's commitment to defeating the terror group.
Just over a week ago militants shot and wounded a senior Syrian rebel commander Abu Issa in a bungled kidnapping in the southeastern Turkish town of Urfa.
Previously Ankara drew a great deal of international criticism for refusing to intervene to help Kurdish fighters battling militants just 200 yards over the border in Kobane.
There are also serious questions over why Turkey has allowed thousands of Western jihadists - who enter the country on budget airlines in tourist resorts - to easily pass over the border into Syria to join ISIS fighters there.
Turkey has long argued that ISIS does not have a presence in the country.
Others claim small cells are able to operate in southern Turkish towns, easily popping over the border to fight in Syria before returning home to Turkey.
There are even claims from those on the ground that wounded ISIS militants are routinely smuggled from the frontline to receive treatment in Turkish hospitals, which are better equipped and less-stretched than those in northern Syria.
Turkey has also been accused of allowing up to 3,000 detained Western jihadists to rejoin the Islamic State in Syria in return for the release 49 diplomats who had been held prisoner by the terrorists.
سلسلة حتي لا ننسي: تركيا الراعي الرسمي للأرهاب - صفحة 2 1414509479917_wps_1_TOPSHOTS_A_picture_taken_
A huge cloud of smoke is seen following an American airstrike in the Syrian town of Kobane this morning
سلسلة حتي لا ننسي: تركيا الراعي الرسمي للأرهاب - صفحة 2 1414509485705_wps_2_A_picture_taken_from_the_
Blast: Large flames and a cloud of thick black smoke are seen in Kobane this morning following an airstrike 
سلسلة حتي لا ننسي: تركيا الراعي الرسمي للأرهاب - صفحة 2 1414509489002_wps_3_A_picture_taken_from_the_
A massive cloud of smokes rises in Kobane after American warplanes bombed an Islamic State target
سلسلة حتي لا ننسي: تركيا الراعي الرسمي للأرهاب - صفحة 2 1414510449715_wps_5_epa04466842_An_explosion_
Smoke rises over Kobane this morning following an explosion in the Syrian city. The photograph was taken from over the border in Turkey, with a Turkish farmer continuing to go about his business in the foreground 
Experts believe Turkey's reluctance to fully commit to the fight against ISIS is two-fold.
Firstly the brave Kurdish fighters battling ISIS in northern Syria have links to the Kurdistan Workers' Party - a group long-banned in Turkey amid accusations of terrorism.
Secondly, due to Turkey sharing borders with both Syria and Iraq, Ankara is understood to be worried that any move against ISIS could trigger a wave a car and suicide bombings there - something that would be devastating for the country's hugely important tourism industry.
The video emerged as dozens of Kurdish peshmerga fighters left northern Iraq on their way to Turkey, from where they will continue their journey to help Syrian Kurds battling ISIS in Kobane.
According to spokesman Halgurd Hekmat, a total of 150 peshmerga fighters left from the city of Irbil in Iraq's semi-autonomous Kurdish region. He gave no further details.
Last week, the local Iraqi Kurdish government authorised the peshmerga forces to go to neighbouring Syria and help fellow Kurds combat Islamic State militants in Kobane.
Turkey, which has riled Kurdish leaders and frustrated Washington by refusing to allow fighters or weapons into Kobane said last week it would help Iraqi Kurdish fighters cross into Syria.
سلسلة حتي لا ننسي: تركيا الراعي الرسمي للأرهاب - صفحة 2 1414510582288_wps_7_Dozens_of_Kurdish_peshmer
Dozens of Iraqi Kurdish peshmerga fighters drive through Arbil on their way to fight ISIS in Kobane, Syria today
سلسلة حتي لا ننسي: تركيا الراعي الرسمي للأرهاب - صفحة 2 1414510464803_wps_6_Dozens_of_Kurdish_peshmer
Kurdish peshmerga leave Iraq this morning on their way to fight ISIS in the besieged Syrian city of Kobane
سلسلة حتي لا ننسي: تركيا الراعي الرسمي للأرهاب - صفحة 2 1414510597414_wps_9_A_Kurdish_peshmerga_fight
A Iraqi Kurdish peshmerga fighter flashes the V-for-victory sign as he joins dozens of comrades leaving a base in northern Iraq on their way the battleground Syrian city Kobane
The unprecedented deployment will provide much-needed boots on the ground in Kobane, although it is not clear whether the fighters will be allowed to carry enough weapons to make an impact.
This afternoon, a large peshmerga convoy with heavy weapons was seen in Irbil, driving toward the Iraqi Kurdish area of Dohuk. The fighters themselves left separately, travelling by plane.
Idriss Nassan, a Kurdish official from Kobane, said they have no confirmation that peshmerga fighters are to arrive today. 'We have no information other than what we are reading on social media or hearing on the news.'
He added that the peshmerga command might have direct contact with the Syrian Kurdish force known as the Peoples' Protection Units, or YPG, and for that reason Kurdish politicians in Syria are not aware of the movement.
The Islamic State group launched its offensive on Kobane and nearby villages in mid-September in battles that have killed more than 800 people, according to activists.
The extremists captured dozens of Kurdish villages around Kobane and now also control parts of the town. The battles also made more than 200,000 people flee for safety across the border into Turkey.

عدل سابقا من قبل MrHBK في الأربعاء 24 فبراير 2016 - 8:18 عدل 1 مرات
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سلسلة حتي لا ننسي: تركيا الراعي الرسمي للأرهاب

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