بسبب المصاعب ونقص التمويلات
كما ان كونها مشتقه من الدبابه T-80 اثر كثيرا على سمعتها كون ان ال T-80 ادت اداءا سيئا في حرب الشيشان الاولى
احدى اهم الاسباب التي دعت الروس لعدم اعتمادها هو محركها التوربيني الغازي
The Black Eagle project was formally cancelled in 2001. Development of the Black Eagle was stopped due to financial problems, questions about the reliability of the design and, most importantly, the terrible performance of the T-80, upon which it was modeled, in the first Chechen war. The T-80 performed so poorly that after the conflict General-Lieutenant A. Galkin, the head of the Armor Directorate, convinced the Minister of Defence to never again procure tanks with gas-turbine engines. This included the Black Eagle, which was promptly cancelled.