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اذهب الى الأسفل 
كاتب الموضوعرسالة


الـبلد : US BATTLESHIP 01210
العمر : 31
المهنة : تلميذ سنة اولى ثانوي بالمعهد الثانوي ابن رشد
المزاج : nace but bed
التسجيل : 23/08/2009
عدد المساهمات : 262
معدل النشاط : 315
التقييم : 3
الدبـــابة : US BATTLESHIP Unknow11
الطـــائرة : US BATTLESHIP Unknow11
المروحية : US BATTLESHIP Unknow11



مُساهمةموضوع: US BATTLESHIP   US BATTLESHIP Icon_m10الأحد 13 ديسمبر 2009 - 14:02

US BATTLESHIP Us-navy-battleship-21

Note: Some ships have multiple commissioning and decommissioned dates.
Histories of the ships are linked from the ships' names where hyperlinks exist.

ShipHull No.Comm.Decomm.Disposition
Maine-17 Sep 189515 Feb 1898(second class battleship) Sunk by explosion 15 Feb 1898;
Floated and scuttled at sea 16 Mar 1912
Texas-15 Aug 18951 Feb 1911(Considered the first U.S. Navy battleship)
Sunk as target 22 Mar 1911; struck 11 Oct 1911
Indiana120 Nov 1895
9 Jan 1906
29 Dec 1903
31 Jan 1919
Used as aerial bomb target;
hulk sold as scrap 19 Mar 1924
Massachusetts210 Jun 1896
9 Jun 1917
23 May 1914
31 Mar 1919
Used as gunnery target;
hulk given to Florida 15 Nov 1956
Oregon315 Jul 1896
27 Apr 1906
29 Aug 1911
4 Oct 1919
Loaned to Oregon as museum 25 Jun 1925; Returned to Navy for WW II;
sold for scrap 15 Nov 1956
Iowa416 Jun 1897
2 May 1910
23 Apr 1917
30 Jun 1903
27 May 1914
31 Mar 1919
Became first radio-controlled target; sunk 23 Mar 1923 as target in Panama Bay.
Kearsarge520 Feb 1900
4 Sep 1909
23 Jun 1915
10 May 1920
was made a crane ship 5 Aug 1920;
sold for scrap 9 Aug 1955
Kentucky615 May 1900
23 Jun 1915
28 Aug 1909
29 May 1920
Sold to Dravo Construction Co., Pittsburgh, Pa., for scrapping 23 Jan 1924
Illinois715 Sep 1900
2 Nov 1912
4 Aug 1909
15 May 1920
Loaned to N.Y. 23 Oct 1921 for naval militia; sold to Bethlehem Steel Co., Baltimore, Md., 18 May 1956, for scrap
Alabama816 Oct 1900
17 Aug 1909
25 Jul 1912
7 May 1920
Transferred to War Dept. 15 Sep 1921 for use as target. Sunk in shallow water 27 Sep; 19 Mar 1924, hulk sold as scrap.
Wisconsin94 Feb 1901
1 Apr 1908
15 Nov 1906
15 May 1920
Sold for scrap IAW Washington Treaty 26 Jan 1922
Maine1029 Dec 1902
15 Jun 1911
31 Aug 1909
15 May 1920
Sold to J.G. Hitner & W.F. Cutler of Philadelphia 23 January 1922; scrapped IAW Washington Treaty
Missouri1112 Jan 19038 Sep 1919Sold to J.G. Hitner & W.F. Cutler of Philadelphia 26 January 1922; scrapped IAW Washington Treaty
Ohio124 Oct 190431 May 1922Sold for scrap 24 March 1923
Virginia137 May 190613 Aug 1920Transferred to Army; sunk by bombing off Diamond Shoals, N.C., 5 Sep 1923.
Nebraska141 Jul 19072 Jul 1920Scrapped 30 Nov. 1923 IAW Washington Treaty
Georgia1524 Sep 190615 Jul 1920Scrapped 1 Nov. 1923 IAW Washington Treaty
New Jersey1612 May 19066 Aug 1920Transferred to Army; sunk by bombing off Diamond Shoals, N.C., 5 Sep 1923.
Rhode Island1719 Feb 190630 Jun 1920Scrapped 1 Nov. 1923 IAW Washington Treaty
Connecticut1829 Sep 19061 Mar 1923Scrapped 1 Nov. 1923 IAW Washington Treaty
Louisiana192 Jun 190620 Oct 1920Scrapped 1 Nov. 1923 IAW Washington Treaty
Vermont204 Mar 190730 Jun 1920Scrapped 30 Nov. 1923 IAW Washington Treaty
Kansas2118 Apr 190716 Dec 1921Sold for scrap IAW Washington Treaty
Minnesota229 Mar 19071 Dec 1921Dismantled at Philadelphia Naval Shipyard IAW Washington Treaty and sold for scrap 23 Jan 1924
Mississippi231 Feb 190821 Jul 1914Transferred to Greece. Served as Lemnos until sunk by German aircraft in Salamis harbor April 1941.
Idaho241 Apr 190830 Jul 1914Transferred to Greece. Served as Kilkis until sunk by German aircraft in Salamis harbor April 1941.
New Hampshire2519 Mar 190821 May 1921Sold for scrapping 1 Nov. 1923 IAW Washington Treaty.
South Carolina261 Mar 191015 Dec 1921Sold for scrap 24 Apr 1924 IAW Washington Treaty.
Michigan274 Jan 191011 Feb 1922Scrapped by the Philadelphia Naval Shipyard 1924 IAW Washington Treaty.
Delaware284 Apr 191010 Nov 1923Sold for scrap 5 Feb 1924 IAW Washington Treaty.
North Dakota2911 Apr 19102 Nov 1923Sold for scrap 16 Mar 1931.
Florida3015 Sep 191116 Feb 1931Scrapped under terms of London Naval Treaty of 1930
Utah3131 Aug 1911
1 Dec 1925
1 Apr 1932
31 Oct 1925
1 Jul 1931
5 Sep 1944
Utah was sunk at Pearl Harbor on Dec. 7, 1941. Her partially submerged hulk remains at Pearl Harbor.
Wyoming3225 Sep 19121 Aug 1947Sold to Lipsett, Inc., New York, for scrapping 30 Oct 1947
Arkansas3317 Sep 191229 July 1946Arkansas was sunk as a target in the atomic bomb tests at Bikini Atoll on 25 July 1946
New York3415 Apr 191429 Aug 1946New York was a target in the atomic bomb tests at Bikini Atoll on 1 and 25 July 1946. She survived those blasts but was sunk as a target 40 miles off Pearl Harbor 8 July 1948
Texas3512 Mar 191421 April 1948Texas was turned over to the state of Texas to serve as a permanent memorial at San Jacinto State Park in 1948.
Nevada3611 Mar 191621 April 1948Nevada was a target in the atomic bomb tests at Bikini Atoll on 1 and 25 July 1946. She survived those blasts but was sunk as a target 40 miles off Pearl Harbor 8 July 1948
Oklahoma372 May 19161 Sep 1944Oklahoma was sunk at Pearl Harbor on 7 Dec 1941. Raised, she entered drydock 28 Dec 1943. Stripped of guns and superstructure, she was sold 5 Dec 1946 to Moore Drydock Co., but sank 17 May 1947 540 miles from Pearl on her way to San Francisco.
Pennsylvania3812 Jun 191629 Aug 1946Pennsylvania was a target in the atomic bomb tests at Bikini Atoll on 1 and 25 July 1946. She survived those blasts but was sunk off Kwajalein 19 Feb 1948
Arizona3917 Oct 1916Arizona was destroyed at her berth in the attack on Pearl Harbor 7 Dec 1941. She was stricken from the Naval Register on 1 Dec 1942. The Arizona Memorial was dedicated 30 May 1962.
New Mexico4020 May 191819 Jul 1946 Sold for scrapping 13 Oct 1947 to Lipsett, Inc., New York.
Mississippi4118 Dec 191717 Sep 1956Sold for scrapping 28 Nov 1956 to Bethlehem Steel Co.
Idaho4224 Mar 19193 Jul 1946Sold for scrapping 24 Nov 1947 to Lipsett, Inc., New York.
Tennessee433 Jun 192014 Feb 1947Sold for scrapping 10 Jul 1959 to Bethlehem Steel Co.
California4410 Aug 192114 Feb 1947Sold for scrapping 10 Jul 1959.
Colorado4530 Aug 19237 Jan 1947Sold for scrapping 23 Jul 1959.
Maryland4621 Jul 19213 Apr 1947Sold for scrapping 8 Jul 1959 to Learner Co., Oakland, Ca.
Washington47Washington was never commissioned due to the signing of the Washington Treaty for the Limitations of Naval Armaments. The ship was used as a target and sunk 25 Nov 1924.
West Virginia481 Dec 19239 Jan 1947Sold for scrap 24 Aug 1959 to Union Minerals and Alloys Corp., New York.
South Dakota49South Dakota was never commissioned because of the Washington Treaty for the Limitations of Naval Armaments. The hull was sold for scrap 25 Oct 1923.
Indiana50Indiana was never built because of the Washington Treaty for the Limitations of Naval Armaments.
Montana51Montana was never completed because of the Washington Treaty for the Limitations of Naval Armaments. The hull was sold for scrap 25 Oct 1923.
North Carolina52Not completed because of the Washington Treaty for the Limitations of Naval Armaments. The hull was sold for scrap 25 Oct 1923.
Iowa53Not completed because of the Washington Treaty for the Limitations of Naval Armaments. The hull was sold for scrap 8 Nov 1923.
Massachussetts54Not completed because of the Washington Treaty for the Limitations of Naval Armaments. The hull was sold for scrap 8 Nov 1923 to Steel Scrap Co.
North Carolina559 Apr 194127 Jun 1947Transferred to the state of North Carolina 6 Sep 1961. Dedicated as memorial 29 Apr 1962 at Wilmington, N.C.
Washington5615 May 194127 Jun 1947Sold for scrap 24 May 1961 to Lipsett Div., Luria Bros. & Co.
South Dakota5720 Mar 194231 Jan 1947Sold for scrap 25 Oct 1962 to Lipsett Div., Luria Bros. & Co.
Indiana5830 Apr 194211 Sep 1947 Sold for scrap 1 Jun 1962.
Massachusetts5912 May 194227 Mar 1947 Transferred to the Massachusetts Memorial Committee 8 Jun 1965 and preserved as a memorial 14 Aug 1965.
Alabama6016 Aug 19429 Jan 1947 Transferred to the state of Alabama 16 Jun 1964 for use as a memorial.
Iowa6122 Feb 1943
25 Aug 1951
28 Apr 1984
24 Mar 1949
24 Feb 1958
26 Oct 1990
Berthed in Suisan Bay, San Francisco, Calif., 21 April 2001.
New Jersey6223 May 1943
21 Nov 1950
6 Apr 1968
28 Dec 1982
30 Jun 1948
21 Aug 1957
17 Dec 1969
8 Feb 1991
Towed 12 Sept. 1999 by the tug Sea Victory from Bremerton to Philadelphia, arriving 11 Nov. On 20 Jan. 2000, SECNAV announced donation to Home Port Alliance of Camden, N.J., for use as a museum.
Missouri6311 Jun 1944
10 May 1986
26 Feb 1955
31 Mar 1992
Located 1,000 yards from the Arizona Memorial at Pearl Harbor, Missouri was opened as a museum 29 Jan. 1999.
Wisconsin6416 Apr 1944
3 Mar 1951
22 Oct 1988
1 Jul 1948
8 Mar 1958
30 Sep 1991
Moored at the National Maritime Center, Norfolk, Va., 7 Dec. 2000, the centerpiece of a four-part naval history exhibit. Wisconsin opened to the public on 16 April 2001.

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