عقد جديد ضمن صفقه سفن MMSC للبحريه الملكيه السعوديه
Lockheed Martin is being issued a $282 contract action modification for production of four Multi-Mission Surface Combatant ships (MMSC) for Saudi Arabia.
The modification to the previously-awarded contract, announced Friday by the U.S. Department of Defense (Dod), is covers long-lead-time material and detail design in support of the construction of four Multi-Mission Surface Combatant ships (MMSC).
حصلت شركة Lockheed Martin على عقد بقيمه 282 مليون دولار كتعديل على عقد سابق لانتاج 4 سفن (Multi-Mission Surface Combatant ships (MMSC لصالح البحريه الملكيه السعوديه
الاعلان عن العقد نشر يوم الجمعه الماضي
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