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العراق يستلم مروحيتين مي 17

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 العراق يستلم مروحيتين مي 17

اذهب الى الأسفل 
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الـبلد : العراق يستلم مروحيتين مي 17 01210
العمر : 32
المهنة : طالب
المزاج : حسب الحالة
التسجيل : 02/12/2009
عدد المساهمات : 1281
معدل النشاط : 1234
التقييم : 18
الدبـــابة : العراق يستلم مروحيتين مي 17 Unknow11
الطـــائرة : العراق يستلم مروحيتين مي 17 Unknow11
المروحية : العراق يستلم مروحيتين مي 17 Unknow11

العراق يستلم مروحيتين مي 17 Empty10

العراق يستلم مروحيتين مي 17 Empty

مُساهمةموضوع: العراق يستلم مروحيتين مي 17   العراق يستلم مروحيتين مي 17 Icon_m10الخميس 18 نوفمبر 2010 - 15:32

ستلم العراق آخر مروحيتين مي 17 من اصل طلبية 8 مروحيات

و المروحيات تم شحنها بحرا الي الامارات و تم اجرء تطويرات لها هناك قبل التسليم

ثم تم تلسيمها في قاعدة تاجي العراقية

و بذلك يصبح لدي العراق 16 مي 17

Iraq Takes Delivery Of Russian-Made Helicopters

العراق يستلم مروحيتين مي 17 AIR_Mi-17_Iraqi_Armed_2008_lg

BAGHDAD - Iraq has received the last two in an order of eightRussian-made multi-purpose helicopters that cost $156 million, the U.S.Army said on Nov. 16.

The purchase is Iraq's latest effort to bolster its armed forcescapacity ahead of a complete withdrawal of U.S. forces due by the endof next year, as the U.S. military still provides for much of Iraq'stransport and logistics.

The two Mi-171E helicopters were delivered to the Iraqi army's base atTaji, 15 miles north of Baghdad, on Nov. 7, completing the order, theU.S. Army said in a statement.

"These Russian-made aircraft will be used to conduct a variety ofmissions, including counter-terrorism, airlift and intelligence,surveillance and reconnaissance," it said.

The U.S. Army said it issued the statement because the purchase was made with assistance from American military advisers.

The aircraft purchased from Russia were shipped to Sharjah, United ArabEmirates, where they were fitted with upgrades including the latest inavionics equipment and weapons control systems, before reaching Taji,it said.

Iraq's multi-purpose helicopter fleet includes 16 Mi-17s as well as the eight Mi-171Es.

The Iraqi military was dismantled and disbanded shortly after the 2003U.S.-led invasion to oust Saddam Hussein, and it has been taking stepsto rebuild ahead of next year's American pullout.

It has signed an order to take delivery of 140 American M1A1 Abramstanks due to be completed at the end of next year. In September, Iraqinaugurated the first in a fleet of 15 high-speed U.S.-built patrolboats.


الرجوع الى أعلى الصفحة اذهب الى الأسفل

العراق يستلم مروحيتين مي 17

استعرض الموضوع التالي استعرض الموضوع السابق الرجوع الى أعلى الصفحة 
صفحة 1 من اصل 1

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