أهلا وسهلا بك زائرنا الكريم، اذا كانت هذه زيارتك الأولى للمنتدى، فيرجى التكرم بالاطلاع على القوانين بالضغط هنا. كما يشرفنا أن تقوم بالتسجيل بالضغط هنا إذا رغبت بالمشاركة في المنتدى، أما إذا رغبت بقراءة المواضيع والإطلاع فتفضل بزيارة المواضيع التي ترغب.


حفظ البيانات؟
فقدت كلمة المرور
البحث فى المنتدى

الرئيسيةأحدث الصورالتسجيلدخول



اذهب الى الأسفل 
كاتب الموضوعرسالة


الـبلد : F-19 Egypt110
العمر : 28
المهنة : طالب
المزاج : عنب
التسجيل : 06/12/2011
عدد المساهمات : 2809
معدل النشاط : 3073
التقييم : 114
الدبـــابة : F-19 B3337910
الطـــائرة : F-19 Dab55510
المروحية : F-19 5e10ef10

F-19 111

F-19 Empty

مُساهمةموضوع: F-19   F-19 Icon_m10الأحد 19 فبراير 2012 - 13:11

هل يعلم احد هنا اى معلومة عن خذه الطائرة ؟؟؟؟؟ f-19

F-19 F-19-5

تم التعديل من قبل Dr Isa .

الرجوع الى أعلى الصفحة اذهب الى الأسفل
Dr Isa

field marshal
field marshal
Dr Isa

الـبلد : F-19 12510
العمر : 44
المهنة : طبيب
المزاج : متقلب
التسجيل : 26/12/2010
عدد المساهمات : 15047
معدل النشاط : 11005
التقييم : 573
الدبـــابة : F-19 Nb9tg10
الطـــائرة : F-19 78d54a10
المروحية : F-19 5e10ef10

F-19 511

F-19 Tahadi10

F-19 Empty

مُساهمةموضوع: رد: F-19   F-19 Icon_m10الأحد 19 فبراير 2012 - 13:14

ينقل إلى قسم الإستفسارات العسكرية ------------------------->

و تم وضع الصورة بالطريقة الصحيحة

الرجوع الى أعلى الصفحة اذهب الى الأسفل
spider man

spider man

الـبلد : F-19 Egypt110
المهنة : حرامي غسيل في وزارة الدفاع
المزاج : سنريهم اياتنا في الافاق (مسلم)
التسجيل : 20/12/2011
عدد المساهمات : 5125
معدل النشاط : 5155
التقييم : 525
الدبـــابة : F-19 Unknow11
الطـــائرة : F-19 Unknow11
المروحية : F-19 Unknow11

F-19 Empty

مُساهمةموضوع: رد: F-19   F-19 Icon_m10الأحد 19 فبراير 2012 - 13:21

طائرة شبح امريكية من الجيل السادس

الرجوع الى أعلى الصفحة اذهب الى الأسفل


الـبلد : F-19 Egypt110
العمر : 28
المهنة : طالب
المزاج : عنب
التسجيل : 06/12/2011
عدد المساهمات : 2809
معدل النشاط : 3073
التقييم : 114
الدبـــابة : F-19 B3337910
الطـــائرة : F-19 Dab55510
المروحية : F-19 5e10ef10

F-19 111

F-19 Empty

مُساهمةموضوع: رد: F-19   F-19 Icon_m10الأحد 19 فبراير 2012 - 13:32

spider man كتب:
طائرة شبح امريكية من الجيل السادس

و متى تخش فى الخدمة ؟؟؟؟

الرجوع الى أعلى الصفحة اذهب الى الأسفل
spider man

spider man

الـبلد : F-19 Egypt110
المهنة : حرامي غسيل في وزارة الدفاع
المزاج : سنريهم اياتنا في الافاق (مسلم)
التسجيل : 20/12/2011
عدد المساهمات : 5125
معدل النشاط : 5155
التقييم : 525
الدبـــابة : F-19 Unknow11
الطـــائرة : F-19 Unknow11
المروحية : F-19 Unknow11

F-19 Empty

مُساهمةموضوع: رد: F-19   F-19 Icon_m10الأحد 19 فبراير 2012 - 13:42


This is the old Testors (Italeri) 1/48th scale F-19 Stealth Fighter.
The kit is long out-of-production, but I've had one sitting in the attic
since back when the kit was new. It is a very unique shape, and I always
wanted to build it but never took the time. While looking for something
different (and quick) to build, I came across this kit in the attic and
decided it was time to finally build it.

It is a shame that this model is hypothetical. It has some really great
lines that I would love to have seen a full-size aircraft use. The name
"Frisbee" comes from Tom Clancy's Red Storm Rising book. The stealth
fighters used in the story are described as looking like the Testors
kit, and the pilots are said to refer to the aircraft as the "Frisbee".
I liked the analogy.

The Kit

It is a very simplistic kit. The cockpit is only four pieces. After
constructing the cockpit, you sandwich it between the two main pieces
(top and bottom) that construct the entire airframe. Then you insert the
engine exhausts and add the "vertical" tails. Adding the landing gear,
horizontal tail slab, and assorted minor details completes the kit.

F-19 F19da_16

As simple as the kit was to build, I couldn't resist doing some easy
modifications, hence the model is not built out-of-the-box. I made the
following changes to the kit:

  • I incorporated an old Model Technologies
    cockpit etchings detail set (#MT061) which includes (mostly) a lot of
    cockpit goodies:

    • Canopy Details (latch hooks, hand grips,

    • Forward Instrument Hood Cockpit Sill

    • Cockpit Side Walls

    • Head-Up-Display (HUD)

    • Tie Down Lugs for the Landing Gear

    • Wheel Door and Weapons Bay Door Actuators


  • I further enhanced the cockpit details by
    doing the following:

    • I increased the cockpit sills to match the
      Model Technologies side walls.

    • I increased the size of the instrument hood
      to fit the base of the Model Technologies HUD.

    • I added the canopy seal around the
      perimeter of the entire cockpit sill.

    • I reworked the kit ejection seat to provide
      better detailing.

    • I added True Details etched harnesses to
      the ejection seat.


  • Inspired by lots of "concept drawings" from
    the 1980s, I relocated the kit provided forward stabilizers to new
    positions along the fuselage chine, below the cockpit. This looked
    better to me than the location the kit uses sticking out on top of the
    engine intakes.

The kit provides two AGM-65 Maverick missiles to hang inside the
weapons bay. While not as nice looking as the Hasegawa weapons set
missiles, they are not bad. My trouble was time. I needed to complete
this project within a short three week period and did not feel I would
have time to do the work for having an open weapons bay with weapons.
Hence, I pushed the bay doors into place (they fit tight enough to not
need glue) and finished the model with closed bays. I may someday pop
the doors off and place weapons in the bay, but I have not done so yet.

Painting and Markings

For the camouflage, I used Testors Model Master enamel and Floquil
Military enamel paints.

I find overall black to be a boring camouflage. As this is a
hypothetical aircraft, I planned out a hypothetical low-visibility
camouflage pattern using European Gray (F.S.36081) and Flat Black
(F.S.37038). I actually used Black-Gray (RLM 66) for the black as this
provided a good "scale black" color.

F-19 F-19-12

In designing the camouflage, I had to keep an eye on where various
markings would later get applied. I wanted the aircraft to have a
"positive/negative" look, but I did not want to try to find gray
markings to match my paint. So, I planned the camouflage so that the
points were markigns would go were all painted in gray. It was a
challenge to make the pattern look random but still have the gray
apprear in symetrical locations for the markings on the left and right.

The interior areas of the split rudders and wing spoilers are Gunship
Gray (F.S.38118). The landing gear and wheel well interiors are gloss

F-19 F19da_10

The markings are a mixture of SuperScale decals and custom printed
decals from my PC and laser printer. I used various decal sheets looking
specifically for decals pertaining to attack units. The majority of the
unit markings came from SuperScale sheet #48-069 (Early A-10 units),
with the markings being those of the 354th Tactical Fighter Wing. I
could not resist adding my own name on the canopy trim.

Weathering is done with thinned down enamel paint washes and air
brushing to highlight the few panel lines that exist. For a more
complete discussion of what I do to weather my models, see my posting on
"Weathering Aircraft".


This is a great little kit that (in spite of being "stealth") really
stands out on my model display shelves. I have a couple 1/72nd versions
of the kit stuck away in my stockpile. I will have to dig them up
someday and make a diorama or something.

تقريبا المشروع اتلغي والله اعلم

الرجوع الى أعلى الصفحة اذهب الى الأسفل


الـبلد : F-19 Egypt110
العمر : 28
المهنة : طالب
المزاج : عنب
التسجيل : 06/12/2011
عدد المساهمات : 2809
معدل النشاط : 3073
التقييم : 114
الدبـــابة : F-19 B3337910
الطـــائرة : F-19 Dab55510
المروحية : F-19 5e10ef10

F-19 111

F-19 Empty

مُساهمةموضوع: رد: F-19   F-19 Icon_m10الأحد 19 فبراير 2012 - 13:48

spider man كتب:


This is the old Testors (Italeri) 1/48th scale F-19 Stealth Fighter.
The kit is long out-of-production, but I've had one sitting in the attic
since back when the kit was new. It is a very unique shape, and I always
wanted to build it but never took the time. While looking for something
different (and quick) to build, I came across this kit in the attic and
decided it was time to finally build it.

It is a shame that this model is hypothetical. It has some really great
lines that I would love to have seen a full-size aircraft use. The name
"Frisbee" comes from Tom Clancy's Red Storm Rising book. The stealth
fighters used in the story are described as looking like the Testors
kit, and the pilots are said to refer to the aircraft as the "Frisbee".
I liked the analogy.

The Kit

It is a very simplistic kit. The cockpit is only four pieces. After
constructing the cockpit, you sandwich it between the two main pieces
(top and bottom) that construct the entire airframe. Then you insert the
engine exhausts and add the "vertical" tails. Adding the landing gear,
horizontal tail slab, and assorted minor details completes the kit.

F-19 F19da_16

As simple as the kit was to build, I couldn't resist doing some easy
modifications, hence the model is not built out-of-the-box. I made the
following changes to the kit:

  • I incorporated an old Model Technologies
    cockpit etchings detail set (#MT061) which includes (mostly) a lot of
    cockpit goodies:

    • Canopy Details (latch hooks, hand grips,

    • Forward Instrument Hood Cockpit Sill

    • Cockpit Side Walls

    • Head-Up-Display (HUD)

    • Tie Down Lugs for the Landing Gear

    • Wheel Door and Weapons Bay Door Actuators


  • I further enhanced the cockpit details by
    doing the following:

    • I increased the cockpit sills to match the
      Model Technologies side walls.

    • I increased the size of the instrument hood
      to fit the base of the Model Technologies HUD.

    • I added the canopy seal around the
      perimeter of the entire cockpit sill.

    • I reworked the kit ejection seat to provide
      better detailing.

    • I added True Details etched harnesses to
      the ejection seat.


  • Inspired by lots of "concept drawings" from
    the 1980s, I relocated the kit provided forward stabilizers to new
    positions along the fuselage chine, below the cockpit. This looked
    better to me than the location the kit uses sticking out on top of the
    engine intakes.

The kit provides two AGM-65 Maverick missiles to hang inside the
weapons bay. While not as nice looking as the Hasegawa weapons set
missiles, they are not bad. My trouble was time. I needed to complete
this project within a short three week period and did not feel I would
have time to do the work for having an open weapons bay with weapons.
Hence, I pushed the bay doors into place (they fit tight enough to not
need glue) and finished the model with closed bays. I may someday pop
the doors off and place weapons in the bay, but I have not done so yet.

Painting and Markings

For the camouflage, I used Testors Model Master enamel and Floquil
Military enamel paints.

I find overall black to be a boring camouflage. As this is a
hypothetical aircraft, I planned out a hypothetical low-visibility
camouflage pattern using European Gray (F.S.36081) and Flat Black
(F.S.37038). I actually used Black-Gray (RLM 66) for the black as this
provided a good "scale black" color.

F-19 F-19-12

In designing the camouflage, I had to keep an eye on where various
markings would later get applied. I wanted the aircraft to have a
"positive/negative" look, but I did not want to try to find gray
markings to match my paint. So, I planned the camouflage so that the
points were markigns would go were all painted in gray. It was a
challenge to make the pattern look random but still have the gray
apprear in symetrical locations for the markings on the left and right.

The interior areas of the split rudders and wing spoilers are Gunship
Gray (F.S.38118). The landing gear and wheel well interiors are gloss

F-19 F19da_10

The markings are a mixture of SuperScale decals and custom printed
decals from my PC and laser printer. I used various decal sheets looking
specifically for decals pertaining to attack units. The majority of the
unit markings came from SuperScale sheet #48-069 (Early A-10 units),
with the markings being those of the 354th Tactical Fighter Wing. I
could not resist adding my own name on the canopy trim.

Weathering is done with thinned down enamel paint washes and air
brushing to highlight the few panel lines that exist. For a more
complete discussion of what I do to weather my models, see my posting on
"Weathering Aircraft".


This is a great little kit that (in spite of being "stealth") really
stands out on my model display shelves. I have a couple 1/72nd versions
of the kit stuck away in my stockpile. I will have to dig them up
someday and make a diorama or something.

تقريبا المشروع اتلغي والله اعلم


الرجوع الى أعلى الصفحة اذهب الى الأسفل
spider man

spider man

الـبلد : F-19 Egypt110
المهنة : حرامي غسيل في وزارة الدفاع
المزاج : سنريهم اياتنا في الافاق (مسلم)
التسجيل : 20/12/2011
عدد المساهمات : 5125
معدل النشاط : 5155
التقييم : 525
الدبـــابة : F-19 Unknow11
الطـــائرة : F-19 Unknow11
المروحية : F-19 Unknow11

F-19 Empty

مُساهمةموضوع: رد: F-19   F-19 Icon_m10الأحد 19 فبراير 2012 - 14:02

اتفضل المختصر المفيد
عام 1986، والتكهنات حول نورثروب شركة لوكهيد لبناء ما وصفته YF-17 متظاهر
التكنولوجيا للتنافس مع "جنرال ديناميكس YF-16 في برنامج مقاتلة خفيفة
الوزن. استأجرت البحرية الامريكية عندما F-16 وفاز، نورثروب إسناد مقاتلة القوات البحرية القادمة على -17، وكانت النتيجة المعينة F-18).
يفترض أن Testors من أجل تشتيت موجات الرادار، وF-19 سيكون أنيق ومبسط، وسوف تشبه إلى حد ما لوكهيد الأخرى الدنيوية، SR-71. تمسك Testors زوج من المعايير قضية المثبتات العمودية على نموذجها 1/48-scale وتعبئتها عنه. باعت حوالي 700،000 على الفور تقريبا، مما يجعلها نموذجا مبيعا من أي وقت مضى، متجاوزا حتى AMT ستار تريك يو إس إس إنتربرايز.
سوف أن الفن تقليد الحياة. عندما كان سلاح الجو كشف النقاب عن البومة F-117 في عام 1990، وليس مشهدا جميلا. وكانت شركة لوكهيد المقاتلة الشبح في الزاوية كما في بيت الجملونات السبعة.

مفتشو الطيران نخلص إلى أن تعيين F-117 جاء من أرقام-110-YF، YF-113،
YF-114-سلاح الجو القى القبض على الطائرات السوفياتية انها اختبرت حلقت في
قاعدة عالية صحراء نيفادا في يلقب العريس البحيرة، والذي كان أيضا من موقع
الرحلات التجريبية F-117.
وTestors F-19 عدة نموذج؟ شوهد للمرة الاخيرة على موقع ئي باي بمبلغ 8 دولار.

الرجوع الى أعلى الصفحة اذهب الى الأسفل


استعرض الموضوع التالي استعرض الموضوع السابق الرجوع الى أعلى الصفحة 
صفحة 1 من اصل 1

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