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مدمرة الدبابات الصينية Type 89 قصيرة العمر ( 1984 - 1990 )

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 مدمرة الدبابات الصينية Type 89 قصيرة العمر ( 1984 - 1990 )

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الـبلد : مدمرة الدبابات الصينية Type 89  قصيرة العمر ( 1984 - 1990 )  Egypt110
التسجيل : 19/10/2011
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PTZ89 Tank Destroyer
مدمرة الدبابات الصينية Type 89  قصيرة العمر ( 1984 - 1990 )  Ptz89_01
The Type 89 (also known as PTZ89) tank destroyer was developed by 447 Factory based on the 120mm smoothbore gun originally developed for the PLA’s third-generation main battle tank (MBT) programme. As the 120mm gun failed to meet the requirements, it was later developed into an antitank artillery weapon mounted on a full track chassis. Only a small number of the Type 89 tank destroyer was delivered to the PLA before the production fully stopped in the mid-1990s.
As a result of new armour technologies such as composite armour and explosive reactive armour (ERA) being introduced in the 1970s, armour protection of the main battle tank (MBT) began to outpace most anti-tank weapons. Conventional high explosive armour piercing (HEAP) rounds became inadequate when facing the latest MBTs such as the Soviet T-72 and Germany Leopard 2. This has led to the introduction of the armour piercing fin stabilised discarding sabot (APFSDS) round fired from the large calibre (120mm~125mm) high-pressure smoothbore gun.
In the late 1970s, China began to develop a new generation MBT armed with a Western-style 120mm high-pressure tankgun as a counter to the Soviet T-72. Because West Germany turned down China’s request to obtain its latest L44 120mm smoothbore tankgun technology, the PLA was forced to develop the 120mm gun indigenously. In 1978, the PLA officially approved to develop a 120mm smoothbore gun which would be used by both new generation MBT and division self-propelled antitank artillery weapon system. The initial design requirement was to be able to penetrate the front armour of the T-72 MBT with APFSDS rounds at a distance of 2,000m.
A number of 120mm gun prototypes were completed in 1979/80 for extensive fire tests. The winner design demonstrated a muzzle velocity of 1,700m/s, 120mm/68 degree iron armour penetration velocity of 1,300m/s, and 204mm/68 degree composite armour penetration velocity of 1,411.2m/s. However, despite the encouraging test results, the PLA Armoured Corps finally decided to chose the more capable 125mm smoothbore gun as the main gun for its third-generation MBT. 774 Factory continued the 120mm smoothbore gun development, which later led to the Type 89 self-propelled antitank gun (also known as tank destroyer) for the PLA Artillery Corps.
The prototype of the Type 89 was completed in 1984, and the fire test was carried out in the same year. In 1985, the Type 89 was demonstrated in a test site in Nankou, Beijing. The APFSDS rounds fired by the anti-tank gun penetrated 450mm armour at a distance of 2,000m. Extensive tests were carried out between 1987 and 1988 before the initial batch production began in late 1988. By 1989 around 20 examples were delivered to the PLA, and the Type 89 received its design certificate in 1990. It is estimated that more than 100 examples were built before the production stopped.
Despite the Type 89’s success in its development, the necessity of such a weapon system became questionable soon after it entered service. Following the end of the Cold War and the restoration of Sino-Russia relation in the early 1990s, the possibility of a large-scale invasion on China’s land has become more remote than ever. Future land warfare demands new generation weapon systems to be lighter, smarter and highly mobile. Cold War era dinosaurs like the Type 89 have little, if any, place in the modern battlefield environment.
The Type 89 is based on the Type 321 utility tracked chassis, which is also used by a number of artillery weapon systems in service with the PLA. The powerpack is located in the front of the vehicle, with the turret and combat compartment in rear. The max road speed of the vehicle is 55km/h. The driver is seated in the front-left, with the commander, gunner and loader seated in the combat compartment. A rear hatch is provided for rapid loading of ammunitions.
The main armament is a 120mm/50-calibre high-pressure smoothbore gun with a thermal sleeve and a semi-automatic gun loader. The fume extractor is located in the middle section of the gun barrel. The gun can fire 10 rounds in one minutes. The vehicle carries 30 rounds.
The gun can fire APFSDS, HEAT and HEAT-FRAG. The APFSDS round has a muzzle velocity of 1,660m/s and a maximum fire-range of 2,500m. The high explosive (HE) round has a muzzle velocity of 960m/s and a maximum fire-range of 9,000m.
Auxiliary weapons include one 7.62mm coaxial machine gun, with a maximum fire-range of 1,800 m and a fire rate of 250 rounds/min. A 12.7mm/50-calibre anti-aircraft machine gun is mounted on the command cupola, with a maximum fire-range of 2,000m.
Fire accuracy is attained by a TSFCS fire control system with night vision and laser rangefinder input. The 120mm main gun is not stabilised, therefore the Type 89 cannot fire while moving.
The armour protections of the Type 89 is relative thin (<50mm), partially due to the limitation of the maximum load of the Type 321 chassis. The turret is protected by storage racks to provide additional protections against HEAT projectiles. There are four smoke grenade launchers on each side of the turret. Additional smoke can be generated by injecting diesel fuel into the engine’s exhaust. The crewmembers are protected by a collective NBC protection system and an automatic fire suppression system.
The Type 89 is powered by a liquid cooled, turbocharged, 12-cylinder, 4-stroke 12150L diesel engine, which provide 520hp. The combat weight of the vehicle is 31 tonnes.
Crew: 4
Weight: 31 tonnes
Engine: 520hp 12150L diesel
Transmission: Mechanical, planetary
Track: Metallic
Suspension: Torsion bar
Radio: N/A
Dimension: N/A
Cruising Range: 450km
Speed: Max road 55km/h
Fording Depths: N/A
Main Gun: 120mm smoothbore (30 rounds)
Gun Elevation/Depression: +18/-8 degree
Gun Stablisation: None
Auxiliary Weapon: One coaxial 7.62 mm machine gun; One 7.62 mm driver machine gun; one 12.7 mm air-defence machine gun
Fire Control: TSFCS primitive fire control
Last update: 20 February 2009
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The Chinese PTZ89 aka Type 89 Tracked Tank Destroyer
مدمرة الدبابات الصينية Type 89  قصيرة العمر ( 1984 - 1990 )  Ptz89_01
Thou relations had improved with the West following the Sino-Soviet split, China failed to lay its hands on Western smoothbore technology, which was geared towards defeating the Russian T-80 & T-72 tank armour, something the Chinese PLA also wanted to do.
They started a program in the late 1970’s/early 80’s to develop a 120mm smoothbore that could do this and though testing proved successful, they stuck with what they knew best, which was the Russian based 125mm smoothbore.
The 120mm smoothbore continued to be developed by 774 Factory as what would be better described in comparison to that of the 125mm based MBT’s production, a side project as the Type 89 anti-tank gun.
The prototype of the Type 89 was completed in 1984, and the fire test was carried out in the same year. In 1985 the Type 89 was demonstrated in a test site in Nankou, Beijing. The APFSDS rounds fired by the anti-tank gun penetrated 450mm armour at a distance of 2,000m.
Extensive tests were carried out between 1987 and 1988 before the initial batch production began in late 1988. By 1989 around 20 examples were delivered to the PLA, and the Type 89 received its design certificate in 1990. It is estimated that more than 100 examples were built before the production stopped.
Crew: 4
Weight: 31 tonnes
Engine: 520hp 12150L diesel
Transmission: Mechanical, planetary
Track: Metallic
Suspension: Torsion bar
Operation Range: 450km
Top Road Speed: 55km/h
Main Gun: 120mm smoothbore (30 rounds)
Gun Elevation/Depression: +18/-8 degree
Gun Stabilisation: None
Auxiliary Weapon: One coaxial 7.62 mm machine gun; One 7.62 mm driver machine gun; one 12.7 mm air-defence machine gun
Fire Control: TSFCS primitive fire control



Home > Artillery > Type 89
Type 89
120-mm tank destroyer
مدمرة الدبابات الصينية Type 89  قصيرة العمر ( 1984 - 1990 )  Type_89_tank_destroyer
The Chinese Type 89 tank destroyer was built only in small numbers

Entered service1988 - 1990
Crew4 men
Dimensions and weight
Weight31 t
Length (gun forward)?
Hull length6.88 m
Width3.24 m
Main gun120-mm smoothbore
Barrel length50 calibers
Machine guns1 x 12.7-mm, 1 x 7.62-mm
Projectile weight?
Maximum firing range9 km
Maximum rate of fire10 rpm
Elevation range- 8 to + 18 degrees
Traverse range360 degrees
Ammunition load
Main gun30 rounds
Machine guns?
Engine12150L diesel
Engine power520 hp
Maximum road speed55 km/h
Range450 km
Side slope40%
Vertical step0.7 m
Trench2.7 m
Fording1.3 m
   The Type 89 tank destroyer is also referred as the PTZ89. The first prototype was completed in 1984. Initial batch production began in 1988. The Type 89 entered service with the Chinese Army in late 1980s. Only a small number of these vehicles was delivered. It is estimated that over 100 of these tank destroyers were built before production ceased in the mid 1990s. It was a successful design, however the end of Cold War demanded new generation of lighter, smarter and more mobile weapon systems.
   The Type 89 is armed with a 120-mm / L50 smoothbore gun, fitted with a semi-automatic gun loader. This gun was originally developed for a third-generation main battle tank programme, however it failed to meet the requirements. A more capable 125-mm smoothbore gun was selected. Further development of the 120-mm gun led to the Type 89 tank destroyer. This 120-mm gun is not stabilized, so the Type 89 cannot fire accurately on the move. Vehicle fires APFSDS, HE, HE-FRAG and HEAT rounds. Maximum range of fire is 9 km with a high explosive round and 2.5 km with APFSDS rounds. A rear hatch is provided for rapid ammunition loading.
   Secondary armament consists of coaxial 7.62-mm machine gun and 12.7-mm anti-aircraft MG, mounted on top of the roof.
   The Type 89 has a simple fire control system, which has a laser rangefinder input and a night vision capability.
   The Type 89 has a relatively thin armor (less than 50 mm). It protects against small arms fire and artillery shell splinters. An NBC protection and automatic fire suppression systems are fitted as standard.
   Vehicle has a crew of four, including commander, gunner, loader and driver.
   The Type 89 tank destroyer uses the Type 321 tracked utility chassis. This chassis is also used by a number of Chinese artillery weapon systems. Vehicle is powered by a 12150L turbocharged diesel engine, developing 520 hp.
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الـبلد : مدمرة الدبابات الصينية Type 89  قصيرة العمر ( 1984 - 1990 )  01210
التسجيل : 20/05/2011
عدد المساهمات : 17
معدل النشاط : 19
التقييم : 2
الدبـــابة : مدمرة الدبابات الصينية Type 89  قصيرة العمر ( 1984 - 1990 )  Unknow11
الطـــائرة : مدمرة الدبابات الصينية Type 89  قصيرة العمر ( 1984 - 1990 )  Unknow11
المروحية : مدمرة الدبابات الصينية Type 89  قصيرة العمر ( 1984 - 1990 )  Unknow11

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الـبلد : مدمرة الدبابات الصينية Type 89  قصيرة العمر ( 1984 - 1990 )  Qmdowc10
المزاج : الحمد لله
التسجيل : 23/02/2013
عدد المساهمات : 43577
معدل النشاط : 58203
التقييم : 2404
الدبـــابة : مدمرة الدبابات الصينية Type 89  قصيرة العمر ( 1984 - 1990 )  B3337910
الطـــائرة : مدمرة الدبابات الصينية Type 89  قصيرة العمر ( 1984 - 1990 )  Dab55510
المروحية : مدمرة الدبابات الصينية Type 89  قصيرة العمر ( 1984 - 1990 )  B97d5910

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مدمرة الدبابات الصينية Type 89 قصيرة العمر ( 1984 - 1990 )

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