شكرا جزيلا اخى انس على الدعوة الكريمة و تقبل تقديرى ++2
على الموضوع المميز و الجديد فى المنتدى
ولكن لى سؤال عن مميزات جناح الدلتا و خصوصا فى الميراج
ثانيا هل يؤثر عدد نقاط التعليق على جانبى الجناح فى حرية المناورة و مقاومة الهواء خصوصا على الارتفاعات العالية
اخيرا --- اسمح لى باضافة بسيطة
delta wing
Thin triangular wing that is especially aerodynamic.
variable geometry wing
Arrow-shaped wing found on combat aircraft; the angle it forms with the fuselage can be changed in flight.
tapered wing
Wing that is perpendicular to the fuselage and whose width decreases toward the tip.
straight wing
Long wing of consistent width and perpendicular to the fuselage; it is found on low-speed planes such as cargo and light planes.
swept-back wing
Arrow-shaped wing that is found on jet planes.
The figure below also shows the common wing forms and configuration. Wing configurationsThe F-14 Tomcat is a supersonic aircraft with a variable geometry wing. This aircraft wing geometry changes according to flying speed by swinging the wings forward and backward.