أهلا وسهلا بك زائرنا الكريم، اذا كانت هذه زيارتك الأولى للمنتدى، فيرجى التكرم بالاطلاع على القوانين بالضغط هنا. كما يشرفنا أن تقوم بالتسجيل بالضغط هنا إذا رغبت بالمشاركة في المنتدى، أما إذا رغبت بقراءة المواضيع والإطلاع فتفضل بزيارة المواضيع التي ترغب.

سلسلة حتي لا ننسي: تركيا الراعي الرسمي للأرهاب

حفظ البيانات؟
فقدت كلمة المرور
البحث فى المنتدى

الرئيسيةأحدث الصورالتسجيلدخول


 سلسلة حتي لا ننسي: تركيا الراعي الرسمي للأرهاب

اذهب الى الأسفل 
انتقل الى الصفحة : 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7  الصفحة التالية
كاتب الموضوعرسالة

عريـــف أول
عريـــف أول

الـبلد : سلسلة حتي لا ننسي: تركيا الراعي الرسمي للأرهاب Egypt110
التسجيل : 13/11/2013
عدد المساهمات : 116
معدل النشاط : 145
التقييم : 14
الدبـــابة : سلسلة حتي لا ننسي: تركيا الراعي الرسمي للأرهاب Unknow11
الطـــائرة : سلسلة حتي لا ننسي: تركيا الراعي الرسمي للأرهاب Unknow11
المروحية : سلسلة حتي لا ننسي: تركيا الراعي الرسمي للأرهاب Unknow11

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مُساهمةموضوع: سلسلة حتي لا ننسي: تركيا الراعي الرسمي للأرهاب   سلسلة حتي لا ننسي: تركيا الراعي الرسمي للأرهاب Icon_m10الإثنين 22 فبراير 2016 - 5:31

الموضوع هنا سيكون بمثابه موسوعة بأذن الله لتجميع ادلة تربط تركيا بالأرهاب و اي اضافات توثيقيه مرحب بها

الرجوع الى أعلى الصفحة اذهب الى الأسفل

عريـــف أول
عريـــف أول

الـبلد : سلسلة حتي لا ننسي: تركيا الراعي الرسمي للأرهاب Egypt110
التسجيل : 13/11/2013
عدد المساهمات : 116
معدل النشاط : 145
التقييم : 14
الدبـــابة : سلسلة حتي لا ننسي: تركيا الراعي الرسمي للأرهاب Unknow11
الطـــائرة : سلسلة حتي لا ننسي: تركيا الراعي الرسمي للأرهاب Unknow11
المروحية : سلسلة حتي لا ننسي: تركيا الراعي الرسمي للأرهاب Unknow11

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مُساهمةموضوع: رد: سلسلة حتي لا ننسي: تركيا الراعي الرسمي للأرهاب   سلسلة حتي لا ننسي: تركيا الراعي الرسمي للأرهاب Icon_m10الإثنين 22 فبراير 2016 - 5:32

تركيا...اعتقال 7 عسكريين لاعتراضهم شحنة أسلحة مفترضة إلى سوريا
تاريخ النشر:18.05.2015 | 07:27 GMT | أخبار العالم
سلسلة حتي لا ننسي: تركيا الراعي الرسمي للأرهاب 555990f2c46188d2098b45ee

Reuters Osman Orsal

الشرطة التركية (أرشيف)
انسخ الرابط
أمرت محكمة تركية الأحد 17 مايو/أيار باعتقال 7 عسكريين احتياطيا، قيل إنهم من "الكيان الموازي" المعارض، وذلك في قضية اعتراض شحنة أسلحة مفترضة كانت متوجهة إلى سوريا 2014 .

  • سلسلة حتي لا ننسي: تركيا الراعي الرسمي للأرهاب 554b6825c46188eb1f8b4614
    تركيا: توقيف مدعين عامين على خلفية اعتراض شحنات أسلحة إلى سوريا

وتتهمهم النيابة التركية بتوقيف وتفتيش شاحنات تعود لجهاز الاستخبارات التركي بالإضافة إلى تهم تتمثل في "التنصت غير المشروع، والتجسس، وانتهاك الحياة الخاصة، وتسجيل الاتصالات الشخصية بشكل مخالف للقانون، وتزوير وثائق رسمية، وتشكيل منظمة إرهابية، وقيادتها، والانتساب إليها، والعمل على الإطاحة بحكومة الجمهورية التركية أو منعها من أداء عملها".
وترتبط هذه التحقيقات بقضية ما يسمى بـ"الكيان الموازي" في تركيا، وهو تعبير تطلقه أنقرة على ما تعتبره تنظيما سريا يتزعمه المعارض فتح الله غولن.
وكانت الشرطة اعتقلت 10 جنود، أخلي سبيل 3 منهم بعد إدلائهم بإفادات أمام المحكمة الأحد في اسطنبول.
ونشرت مواقع إنترنت وثائق ادعت فيها أن هذه المركبات المملوكة من الاستخبارات التركية المتهمة بتسليم أسلحة إلى مقاتلين سوريين لمحاربة حكومة الرئيس السوري بشار الأسد.
وكانت تركيا نفت بحزم تقديمها مساعدة إلى المقاتلين في سوريا مع عدم إخفائها الرغبة في سقوط الحكومة السورية.
ومع هذه الاعتقالات يبلغ مجموع من تم اعتقالهم في هذه القضية 54 شخصا منذ يوليو/تموز 2014.
المصدر: "أ ف ب"

الرجوع الى أعلى الصفحة اذهب الى الأسفل

عريـــف أول
عريـــف أول

الـبلد : سلسلة حتي لا ننسي: تركيا الراعي الرسمي للأرهاب Egypt110
التسجيل : 13/11/2013
عدد المساهمات : 116
معدل النشاط : 145
التقييم : 14
الدبـــابة : سلسلة حتي لا ننسي: تركيا الراعي الرسمي للأرهاب Unknow11
الطـــائرة : سلسلة حتي لا ننسي: تركيا الراعي الرسمي للأرهاب Unknow11
المروحية : سلسلة حتي لا ننسي: تركيا الراعي الرسمي للأرهاب Unknow11

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مُساهمةموضوع: رد: سلسلة حتي لا ننسي: تركيا الراعي الرسمي للأرهاب   سلسلة حتي لا ننسي: تركيا الراعي الرسمي للأرهاب Icon_m10الإثنين 22 فبراير 2016 - 5:33

تركيا: توقيف مدعين عامين على خلفية اعتراض شحنات أسلحة إلى سوريا
تاريخ النشر:07.05.2015 | 13:47 GMT | أخبار العالم
سلسلة حتي لا ننسي: تركيا الراعي الرسمي للأرهاب 554b6825c46188eb1f8b4614

الشرطة التركية

انسخ الرابط
أفادت تقارير الخميس 7 مايو/ نيسان أن محكمة تركية أصدرت مذكرة توقيف بحق 4 مدعين عامين وموظف في الجيش على خلفية اعتراض شاحنات تحمل أسلحة كانت متوجهة إلى سوريا العام الماضي.

  • سلسلة حتي لا ننسي: تركيا الراعي الرسمي للأرهاب 555990f2c46188d2098b45ee
    تركيا...اعتقال 7 عسكريين لاعتراضهم شحنة أسلحة مفترضة إلى سوريا
  • صحيفة تركية معارضة تنشر صور تزويد المعارضة السورية بالأسلحة (فيديو)

وكانت السلطات التركية أحالت المدعين الأربعة إلى قضايا أخرى، وعلقت عملهم لاحقا بعدما أصدروا أمرا بتفتيش مجموعة شاحنات وحافلات في محافظتي هاتاي وأضنة الحدودية مع سوريا في يناير/كانون الثاني عام 2014 بعد الاشتباه بتهريبها لذخائر وأسلحة إلى سوريا.
يشار إلى أن سلسلة من الوثائق جرى تناقلها عبر الإنترنت تظهر أن الشاحنات تابعة لوكالة الاستخبارات الوطنية التركية وكانت تحمل أسلحة ومعدات عسكرية إلى جماعات إرهابية في سوريا تقاتل القوات الحكومية السورية.
ومنعت الحكومة التركية وسائل الإعلام ووسائل التواصل الاجتماعي مثل "الفيسبوك" و "تويتر" من نشر وترويج تلك المعلومات.
كما وجهت اتهامات إلى المدعين العامين بمحاولة إسقاط الحكومة وتعطيل عملها، وقد يواجه هؤلاء السجن المؤبد في حال إدانتهم، وفق ما نقلت وسائل إعلام تركية.
 المصدر: "أ ف ب"

الرجوع الى أعلى الصفحة اذهب الى الأسفل

عريـــف أول
عريـــف أول

الـبلد : سلسلة حتي لا ننسي: تركيا الراعي الرسمي للأرهاب Egypt110
التسجيل : 13/11/2013
عدد المساهمات : 116
معدل النشاط : 145
التقييم : 14
الدبـــابة : سلسلة حتي لا ننسي: تركيا الراعي الرسمي للأرهاب Unknow11
الطـــائرة : سلسلة حتي لا ننسي: تركيا الراعي الرسمي للأرهاب Unknow11
المروحية : سلسلة حتي لا ننسي: تركيا الراعي الرسمي للأرهاب Unknow11

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مُساهمةموضوع: رد: سلسلة حتي لا ننسي: تركيا الراعي الرسمي للأرهاب   سلسلة حتي لا ننسي: تركيا الراعي الرسمي للأرهاب Icon_m10الإثنين 22 فبراير 2016 - 5:37

[size=32]صحيفة تركية معارضة تنشر صور تزويد المعارضة السورية بالأسلحة (فيديو)[/size]
تاريخ النشر:29.05.2015 | 13:33 GMT |
آخر تحديث:29.05.2015 | 14:14 GMT | أخبار العالم
سلسلة حتي لا ننسي: تركيا الراعي الرسمي للأرهاب 55686411c461883f588b457c


صحيفة "جمهوريييت" المعارضة بتركيا
انسخ الرابط
قضية إرسال شحنات أسلحة إلى المعارضة السورية، لاتزال تلقي بظلالها على الشأن التركي في ظل تسريبات تشير إلى تورط الحكومة التركية وجهاز استخباراتها في نقل الأسلحة إلى سوريا.

  • سلسلة حتي لا ننسي: تركيا الراعي الرسمي للأرهاب 554b6825c46188eb1f8b4614
    تركيا: توقيف مدعين عامين على خلفية اعتراض شحنات أسلحة إلى سوريا
  • أردوغان يرفع دعوى ضد صحيفة اتهمته بتسليم أسلحة لمسلحين بسوريا

وقد نشرت صحيفة "جمهوريت" التركية المعارضة الجمعة 29 مايو/ أيار في نسختها الورقية صورا وعلى الإنترنت صورا وفيديو تؤكد تقديم شحنات أسلحة إلى المعارضة السورية المسلحة في مطلع عام 2014.

وأظهرت الصور التي نشرتها الصحيفة، قذائف هاون مخبأة تحت أدوية في الشاحنات، وتقول الصحيفة إنها مؤجرة رسميا لصالح منظمة إنسانية، اعترضها الجيش التركي قرب الحدود السورية في يناير/كانون الثاني.
وتتحدث "جمهوريت" عن نقل ألف قذيفة هاون و80 ألف قطعة ذخيرة لأسلحة من العيار الصغير والكبير ومئات قاذفات القنابل، وزعمت أنها روسية الصنع ومقدمة من دول الاتحاد السوفياتي السابق.
سلسلة حتي لا ننسي: تركيا الراعي الرسمي للأرهاب 5568642ec4618819588b457c


رجب طيب أردوغان
هذه القضية التي أضحت فضيحة سياسية، أثارت التساؤلات والشكوك، حول مدى تورط الحكومة التركية في الأمر، لكن الأخيرة نفت الاتهامات الموجهة إليها باستمرار بدعم المقاتلين في سوريا، خاصة بعدما جرى تناقل سلسلة من الوثائق عبر الإنترنت تظهر أن الشاحنات تابعة لوكالة الاستخبارات الوطنية التركية وكانت تحمل أسلحة ومعدات عسكرية إلى جماعات إرهابية في سوريا تقاتل القوات الحكومية السورية.
ومنعت الحكومة التركية وسائل الإعلام ووسائل التواصل الاجتماعي مثل "فيسبوك" و"تويتر" من نشر وترويج تلك المعلومات.
كما وجهت اتهامات إلى المدعين العامين بمحاولة إسقاط الحكومة وتعطيل عملها، وقد يواجه هؤلاء السجن المؤبد في حال إدانتهم، وفق ما نقلت وسائل إعلام تركية.
سلسلة حتي لا ننسي: تركيا الراعي الرسمي للأرهاب 55686523c4618821588b4582


جزء من المقال المنشور على الموقع الإلكتروني للصحيفة
وحمّل الرئيس التركي رجب طيب أردوغان علنا مسؤولية الفضيحة للمعارض السياسي، فتح الله غولن، متهما إياه بمحاولة إسقاط الحكومة.
تسريبات جديدة قد تقض مضاجع حزب العدالة والتنمية الحاكم خصوصا مع اقتراب موعد الانتخابات التشريعية المقررة في الـ 7 من يونيو/حزيران.
المصدر: "أ ف ب"

الرجوع الى أعلى الصفحة اذهب الى الأسفل

عريـــف أول
عريـــف أول

الـبلد : سلسلة حتي لا ننسي: تركيا الراعي الرسمي للأرهاب Egypt110
التسجيل : 13/11/2013
عدد المساهمات : 116
معدل النشاط : 145
التقييم : 14
الدبـــابة : سلسلة حتي لا ننسي: تركيا الراعي الرسمي للأرهاب Unknow11
الطـــائرة : سلسلة حتي لا ننسي: تركيا الراعي الرسمي للأرهاب Unknow11
المروحية : سلسلة حتي لا ننسي: تركيا الراعي الرسمي للأرهاب Unknow11

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مُساهمةموضوع: رد: سلسلة حتي لا ننسي: تركيا الراعي الرسمي للأرهاب   سلسلة حتي لا ننسي: تركيا الراعي الرسمي للأرهاب Icon_m10الإثنين 22 فبراير 2016 - 5:39

German deputy speaker: NATO must stop Turkey support for ISIS

نائبه رئيس مجلس النواب الالماني: علي الناتو ايقاف تركيا من مساعده داعش  

By Rudaw 12/10/2014
سلسلة حتي لا ننسي: تركيا الراعي الرسمي للأرهاب 72333Image1
Claudia Roth: ‘Germany must help the peace process to continue in Turkey.’
BERLIN, Germany – NATO must force Turkey to stop its undeclared support of the Islamic State (ISIS) and shift its policy toward the Kurdistan Workers’ Party (PKK), the deputy speaker of the German parliament said.
Claudia Roth said in an interview with Rudaw that Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan’s government is pursuing a “murky” policy in Syria because it wants the Kurds weakened and their fighters “annihilated.”
“What we have learned is that Mr Erdogan wouldn’t mind if Kurds were weakened and then annihilated,” said Roth, deputy speaker of the Bundestag and a Green Party MP.
Erdogan’s “dealings with the ISIS are unacceptable. I could not believe that Turkey harbors an ISIS militant camp in Istanbul,” Roth said. “Turkey has also allowed weapons to be transported into Syria through its borders. Also that the ISIS has been able to sell its oil via Turkey is extraordinary,” she added.
Turkey categorically denies any dealings with ISIS. But there are many reported accounts of foreign jihadi fighters crossing from Turkey to Syria, wounded militants treated in Turkish hospitals and Ankara turning a blind eye to ISIS selling smuggled oil.
Turkey has invited criticism for its Syria policy. Ankara has remained idle while in Kobane Kurdish fighters of the PKK-affiliated People’s Protection Units (YPG) are making a last stand to keep ISIS from overrunning the Syrian town just across the border.
“I really don’t understand either why would Mr Erdogan and his ministers regard the PKK the same way they view the Islamic State,” Roth said. “Yes, it’s true the PKK does not have a democratic foundation, but it is no ISIS and one should not regard it as such,” she added.
“Germany must put pressure on Turkey to change course and reevaluate its policies. It should also ask NATO members to do the same. Germany must help the peace process to continue in Turkey.” 
Regarding German help for Syrian Kurds, she said “Germany could have done so much more than just sending humanitarian help.”
She added that the world should also have helped the Kurdistan Region in northern Iraq, where the autonomous government has taken in some 1.6 million refugees from Syria and other parts of Iraq.
“Why has the international community not helped Kurdistan and the refugees the way it should have?” Roth questioned. She said she had seen refugees first hand in Kurdistan and the Turkish Syrian border of Suruc.
“It was devastating to see how an entire population is being eradicated before our eyes in Kobane,” she said. 
“There is a refugee crisis even there where people have been sheltered in temporary places and on the streets. I want to underline that the international community must act very fast and aid the refugees. I have also asked the German government to increase its humanitarian help,” she added. 
She said that the peace process between the PKK and the Turkish government, which has largely lagged since it was initiated in March 2012, would succeed only if Ankara changed its treatment of the outlawed PKK.
If Turkey continues to regard the PKK as a terrorist organization like ISIS it “will destroy this process and boost extremism among Kurds,” she warned. “In actual fact Kurds are victims of the rotten Turkish policies. No country should accept this.” 
Abdullah Ocalan, the jailed leader of the PKK, said recently that the fall of Kobane could kill the Kurdish peace process in Turkey.
Roth blamed regional powers and selfish interests for Kurdish suffering. “Unfortunately some regional powers think only about their interests without thinking about the suffering of the Kurds,” she said. “There is no coordinated action or will against the ISIS in the region, for instance between Iran and Saudi Arabia. I hope the UN will put pressure on them to take a clearer stand.”
She made a call for ISIS to be “annihilated” and targeted economically as well as militarily. 
“Lightly arming Kurds won’t solve the problem. There should be extensive and radical efforts,” she said, fearing that Kobane would fall to ISIS but calling on Kurds not to despair.
“They should know that they have many friends who support them in their battle against the Islamic State.”

عدل سابقا من قبل MrHBK في الأربعاء 24 فبراير 2016 - 7:59 عدل 2 مرات
الرجوع الى أعلى الصفحة اذهب الى الأسفل

عريـــف أول
عريـــف أول

الـبلد : سلسلة حتي لا ننسي: تركيا الراعي الرسمي للأرهاب Egypt110
التسجيل : 13/11/2013
عدد المساهمات : 116
معدل النشاط : 145
التقييم : 14
الدبـــابة : سلسلة حتي لا ننسي: تركيا الراعي الرسمي للأرهاب Unknow11
الطـــائرة : سلسلة حتي لا ننسي: تركيا الراعي الرسمي للأرهاب Unknow11
المروحية : سلسلة حتي لا ننسي: تركيا الراعي الرسمي للأرهاب Unknow11

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مُساهمةموضوع: رد: سلسلة حتي لا ننسي: تركيا الراعي الرسمي للأرهاب   سلسلة حتي لا ننسي: تركيا الراعي الرسمي للأرهاب Icon_m10الإثنين 22 فبراير 2016 - 5:42

Ex ISIS Member Reveals Turkey, a NATO Member, Is Supporting Islamic State
 عضو سابق بداعش يكشف : تركيا, عضو الناتو, تساعد الدوله الاسلاميه 
November 10, 2014|5:17 pm
سلسلة حتي لا ننسي: تركيا الراعي الرسمي للأرهاب Fighters-of-the-extremist-group-islamic-state-of-iraq-and-the-levant-carry-their-weapons-during-a
Fighters of the extremist group Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant carry their weapons during a parade at the Syrian town of Tel Abyad, near the border with Turkey January 2, 2014.
Testimony provided by a former member of the Islamic State in Syria indicates that ISIS militants view NATO member Turkey as their ally,and highlights the extent to which the militant group has coordinated its efforts with the Turkish government.
A former Islamic State communications technician working out the ISIS communications bureau in the Syrian stronghold of Raqqa said in an interview with Newsweek, last Friday, that the Turkish government allowed ISIS convoys to cross freely over its border and travel through the country to avoid combat in Kurdish controlled regions of Syria in efforts to attack more vulnerable Kurdish troops in Syria's northeastern region.
Speaking under the pseudonym of "Sherko Omer", the former ISIS communications technician who managed to escape, further added thatthe basis for the Turkish cooperation is that ISIS and Turkey share a common enemy: the Kurds.
"ISIS saw the Turkish army as its ally especially when it came to attacking the Kurds in Syria," Omer said. "The Kurds were the common enemy for both ISIS and Turkey. Also, ISIS had to be a Turkish ally because only through Turkey they were able to deploy ISIS fighters to northern parts of the Kurdish cities and towns in Syria."
Having worked in the ISIS communications bureau, Omer said that ISIS commanders had established a reliable line of communication with the Turkish army that allowed for ISIS convoys to travel through Turkey. When ISIS sent battalions to combat Kurdish forces in the most northeastern portions of Syria, they were allowed to cross through Turkey and that prevented ISIS forces from having to battle their way through the Kurdish-controlled portions of Syria.
"I have connected ISIS field captains and commanders from Syria with people in Turkey on innumerable occasions," Omer said. "I rarely heard them speak in Arabic, and that was only when they talked to their own recruiters, otherwise, they mostly spoke in Turkish because the people they talked to were Turkish officials of some sorts because ISIS guys used to be very serious when they talked to them."
Omer detailed an instance last February when he was transferred from the communications bureau to fight for a battalion that was tasked with travelling from Raqqa, through Turkey, to battle Kurds in the northeast Syrian town of Serekaniye.
Although the trip required passing through Turkey, Omer said that ISIS commanders reassured the battalion that they had lines of communication open with the Turkish army that would allow them to cross the border and travel through the country.
"ISIS commanders told us to fear nothing at all because there was full cooperation with the Turks," Omer said. "They reassured us that nothing will happen, especially when that is how they regularly travel from Raqqa and Aleppo to the Kurdish areas further northeast of Syria because it was impossible to travel through Syria as YPG [National Army of Syrian Kurdistan] controlled most parts of the Kurdish region."
When Omer's battalion got to Serekaniye, Omer said he surrendered when Kurds attacked his camp. Although he was held captive for months, the kurdish forces freed him because they felt he was not a fighter and determined that he committed no acts of violence. Omer claims he originally got involved in the conflict when he joined a Syrian rebel opposition group in their fight against Syrian President Bashar al-Assad. Once ISIS took over, he was stuck.
سلسلة حتي لا ننسي: تركيا الراعي الرسمي للأرهاب Syria
(Photo: Reuters/Azad Lashkari)
A convoy of Kurdish peshmerga fighters drive through Arbil after leaving a base in northern Iraq, on their way to the Syrian town of Kobani, October 28, 2014.
A spokesman for Kurdish People's Protection Unit (YPG) Pat Can told Newsweek that Turkish army is doing more to help ISIS than just letting them cross through their border freely. He said there is evidence that Turkey has also given supplies to ISIS, as well.
"There is more than enough evidence with us now proving that the Turkish army gives ISIS terrorists weapons, ammunitions and allows them to cross the Turkish official border crossings in order for ISIS terrorists to initiate inhumane attacks against the Kurdish people in Rojava [north-eastern Syria]," Can said.
Until the end of October, the Turkish government had prevented Kurdish fighters from crossing the border to help their Syrian Kurd allies. This prevented Kurds fighting ISIS, especially in the besieged town of Kobane, from getting the necessary reinforcements needed to win the battles.
Kurds from Kobane told Newsweek that Kurds that previously tried to cross the border while carrying weapons and other supplies were shot at by Turkish border patrol guards.
Kurdish Regional Government President Masoud Barzani said in a written statement that Turkey only allowed Kurdish fighters to use the border once the United States got involved in working out a border agreement between the Kurds and Turkey.
"Intense bilateral and trilateral talks were held among the U.S., Turkey and the Kurdish region to arrange access for the peshmerga," Barzani said. "After the talks, Turkey officially informed us that it would provide all kinds of support."

عدل سابقا من قبل MrHBK في الأربعاء 24 فبراير 2016 - 8:00 عدل 1 مرات
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الـبلد : سلسلة حتي لا ننسي: تركيا الراعي الرسمي للأرهاب Egypt110
التسجيل : 13/11/2013
عدد المساهمات : 116
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التقييم : 14
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الطـــائرة : سلسلة حتي لا ننسي: تركيا الراعي الرسمي للأرهاب Unknow11
المروحية : سلسلة حتي لا ننسي: تركيا الراعي الرسمي للأرهاب Unknow11

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سلسلة حتي لا ننسي: تركيا الراعي الرسمي للأرهاب Erdogan20120326-540x326

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Report: Erdogan Trying to Hide Evidence of Supporting ISIS

تقرير: اردوغان يحاول اخفاء دليل مساعده داعش 

by TheTower.org Staff | 01.06.15 9:59 am
Turkey’s regime is trying to hide any evidence that holds Turkish leaders responsible for the support of terrorist groups, especially the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS), Turkish media is reporting.
Turkey officially denies all accusations that it supports activities of terrorists and allows them to pass through its territory to fight the Syrian regime. Ankara has repeatedly called for the ouster of Syrian dictator Bashar al-Assad.
The Arab news website Al-Watan Al-Arabi (Arabic link) quoted Turkish media sources as saying that West’s intention to investigate the relationship between the Turkish regime and the Islamic state organization raised Turkish president Recep Tayyip Erdogan’s fears. This fear caused him to have Hakan Fidan, the head of Turkey’s intelligence service and Erdogan’s right-hand man, get rid of any evidence that could be used against him in international courts.
Erdogan reportedly instructed the intelligence agencies to hide all evidence and documents that show the involvement of the Turkish government in supporting ISIS, out of fear of being charged in international courts for supporting a terror organization.
Experts believe that Turkey turns a blind eye to militants who are going to Syria to join extremist groups via Turkish border crossings. They stress that Turkey, despite being a NATO member and having broad logistical and regulatory powers, facilitates this traffic out of hope that it will increase the possibility of the fall of Assad’s regime.
For example, some pro-Kurdish media outlets reported recently that a car bomb driven by a suicide bomber came from the Turkish border and exploded at the Syrian border crossing near Kobane, which raised questions about Turkey’s commitment to fighting ISIS. Additionally, many young men who went to fight in Syria and Iraq and then returned to their homes acknowledged that they had walked through Turkish border crossing and cooperated with “mediators” to cross into “the land of jihad.”
In addition, international officials accused the Turkish state of not doing enough to stop the fighting in Kobane, located just on the Syrian side of the border, where local Kurdish forces are battling ISIS. Analysts also say that the escape of Turks from extremist forces raises the level of concerns about coordination between the Erdogan regime and the militant jihadist groups.

عدل سابقا من قبل MrHBK في الأربعاء 24 فبراير 2016 - 8:01 عدل 1 مرات
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الـبلد : سلسلة حتي لا ننسي: تركيا الراعي الرسمي للأرهاب Egypt110
التسجيل : 13/11/2013
عدد المساهمات : 116
معدل النشاط : 145
التقييم : 14
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الطـــائرة : سلسلة حتي لا ننسي: تركيا الراعي الرسمي للأرهاب Unknow11
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محكمه توثق مساعده الحكومه التركيه لداعش 

Written by  KurdishQuestion.com

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Many ISIS terrorists were treated in Turkish hospitals. Drawing by Behrouz.
13 May 2015
ANF - News Desk
Striking statements made by 4 prosecutors and a military officer arrested for halting and investigating trucks belonging to MIT (Turkish intelligence) in Adana and Hatay last year have emerged. Turkish prosecutor Aziz Takçı, in a defence he made in a court in Adana last week, admitted that the Turkish state had supported ISIS. The prosecutor also said the Turkish intelligence service, MIT, had had a role in the explosion in Reyhanlı on 11 May 2013 in which 52 people died.
The fact that the Turkish state has supported the brutal ISIS organisation has now been documented by a Turkish court. Prosecutor Aziz Takçı revealed the state's links with ISIS gangs in a defence he made in the Adana no. 2 Serious Criminal Court on 7 May. Prosecutor Takçı, who stopped trucks laden with weapons bound for gangs in Syria last year in Adana, said he had seen 155 calibre shells, anti-aircraft guns and ammunition of various sizes in the trucks.
The prosecutor said the halted vehicles were registered in the name of a person sought over links to Al Qaeda.
'The trucks were full of shells and ammunition for anti-aircraft guns'
In his defence the prosecutor said the following: "In the incident on 1st January 2014 I authorised a search of the vehicles, but this did not take place as persons who arrived in a vehicle at the scene claiming to be from MIT refused to show IDs to the police. This is what the police told me. When I investigated the number plate of this vehicle I found it was registered in the name of a person who had previously been arrested on suspicion of links to Al Qaeda. If you've looked at the file you will have seen that I know a lot more than this."
'It belonged to MIT'
"I went and looked at the materials. I confirmed that the vehicle was full of weapons and ammunition. I saw 155 calibre shells, anti-aircraft guns and ammunition of various sizes. He added: "'This truck belongs to the MIT. The document said don't search this vehicle or something like that. What I did was what any state prosecutor would do in the circumstances."
Prosecutor Takçı said that the MIT had also had a role in the bomb explosion in Reyhanlı two years ago in which 52 people died.

عدل سابقا من قبل MrHBK في الأربعاء 24 فبراير 2016 - 8:02 عدل 1 مرات
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الـبلد : سلسلة حتي لا ننسي: تركيا الراعي الرسمي للأرهاب Egypt110
التسجيل : 13/11/2013
عدد المساهمات : 116
معدل النشاط : 145
التقييم : 14
الدبـــابة : سلسلة حتي لا ننسي: تركيا الراعي الرسمي للأرهاب Unknow11
الطـــائرة : سلسلة حتي لا ننسي: تركيا الراعي الرسمي للأرهاب Unknow11
المروحية : سلسلة حتي لا ننسي: تركيا الراعي الرسمي للأرهاب Unknow11

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مُساهمةموضوع: رد: سلسلة حتي لا ننسي: تركيا الراعي الرسمي للأرهاب   سلسلة حتي لا ننسي: تركيا الراعي الرسمي للأرهاب Icon_m10الإثنين 22 فبراير 2016 - 5:48

Video: Future EU member Turkey’s aid to ISIS continues with open borders, weapons and hospitals to treat ISIS jihadis

بالفيديو:  مساعدات تركيا عضو الاتحاد الاوروبي المستقبلي الي داعش تستمر مع حدود مفتوحه, الاسلحه و المستشفيات لعلاج مجاهدي داعش 
سلسلة حتي لا ننسي: تركيا الراعي الرسمي للأرهاب Isis-erdogan-turkije-cartoon

We have accused Turkey of facilitating the fake foreign “rebels” from the very start of the conflict, who pretended to fight for democracy and freedom – when no such thing exist in Islamic teachings. In fact democracy is completely haram – forbidden in Islam and viewed as an aggressive opposition to Islam.Thousands of foreign extremist just don’t flow in through another country unhindered without government support. Has Turkey, for example, killed a single jihadi crossing their borders? They only arrested a few fighters who was assumed to opposing the Islamic State.

In September 2014 the Islamic State itself openly declared that Turkey is pro-ISIS and has been helping and aiding their expansion, especially into removing the Bashir Assad, a Muslim minority from the Alawite community and one of the main targets of removal from the region to enable a Caliphate. The establishment of a Wahhabi Caliphate is also the main Saudi intentions behind the Palestine conflict and the Arab invasion of Israel, which at the time was called the British Mandate and Transjordan.

Democracy to a Muslim has a completely different meaning than democracy to a Westerner. To a Muslim democracy means a totalitarian rule dominated by Sharia law. This is the only freedom and democracy they can imagine, as it correlate to Prophet Mohammed’s teachings. Political leaders in the West simply cannot grasp this thinking.

The other day we posted the VICE interview with a Somali-US jihadi in which he justified terrorism with the usual Muslim twist: they are tired of being oppressed, tired of not having rights and were therefore fighting [slaughtering anyone in their way] on foreign soil. Fact is he had never been oppressed neither in America or in Iraq or Syria, since he was a newly arrived stranger there. Yet this was his argument and justification. What exactly did he mean by that argument? He meant the Muslims want their Islamic State and nothing less. Objecting to it and objecting to a totalitarian Sharia law is what he referred to as “oppression”. Although he could live in any Muslim country that already has Sharia law he does not want that. He wants his aims in someone else’s country. The oppression and anger was that Muslims cannot establish an Islamic State of non-Muslim countries. They consider themselves “victims” of oppression by the countries and government’s who do not permit them to desire to occupy their countries. This is the basic fact on Muslim idea of oppression, injustice, and democracy that the West simply cannot grasp.

سلسلة حتي لا ننسي: تركيا الراعي الرسمي للأرهاب Turkterrorist

The Free Syrian Army was basically a soft-launch for ISIS to enter the stage. Soft launches with feigned moderates to infiltrate a region, area, country with fascist Islamic ideals to drown a society is a common tactic in Islam and used all the time.

Turkey’s Recep Tayyip Erdoğan was pretty sour over international suggestions that he should join the opposition of ISIS. He objected but had to reluctantly pretends to go along. Erdogan desperately wants Turkey to join the EU which would open borders to Europe and provide the last poisonous injection to destroy Europe all together, and create a European Islamic State overnight. Joining and opening borders with Turkey, the intentions of Brussels far left, would transform Europe into a Muslim majority state. Erdogan has done all the groundwork to facilitate an endless invasion of Muslims from the Middle East into Europe by building a railroad that connects from the Middle East via Turkey into the entire European continent. The entire Middle East is eager and waiting for this transformation and Turkey has been viewed as their main hope. The West cannot understand how deep and dedicated the dream and idea of a worldwide Islamic State is for Muslims. They imagine its a fantasy of a few misfits in society. But it’s not a delusional idea of a few fanatics. It’s in their very blood, breath and gene-pool. It’s considered as much of a right for Muslims as democracy is a self-evident right for people in the West. The only problem is: they want you to bend and comply to it. They don’t want to keep it in their own backyard.

Many young protesters in Turkey who fell victims to government brutality warned about Erdogan’s hidden extremist bend. They refer to the president as a wolf in sheep’s clothing. Generally, when such intense accusations lead to thousands of people willing to clash with the government – people need to wakeup and listen and not ignore it. But of course, as usual the horrible extremist left elite of the European Commission, do not listen and continue their plans to include Turkey into the EU membership although Turkey has never been a part of Europe in the first place. Readers may not be aware that the number one cause of death for women in Turkey is not heart disease or diabetes. It’s spousal abuse. That sign alone should be indicative to people what kind of mindset we’re dealing with here.

The Turkey support for ISIS continues as thousands of ISIS gangs have crossed the Turkey border into ISIS areas on september 14th, just before the renewed heavy attacks on Kobane.

While in Antep, Turkey, a hospital was build for the treatment of ISIS members.


Kurds claim Turkey help Jihadists

Since the beginning of the Syrian conflict, the Turkish government has supported rebels fighting agains Syrians Assad’s regime forces. But now they are being accused of helping foriegn jihadists. In northern Syria, Kurdish fighters are battling Al Qaeda affiliated militants, often from outside of Syria. And Kurds over the border in Turkey say the Turkish authorities help the militants get in. Jiyar Gol has been to the Turkish border region


عدل سابقا من قبل MrHBK في الأربعاء 24 فبراير 2016 - 8:04 عدل 1 مرات
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الـبلد : سلسلة حتي لا ننسي: تركيا الراعي الرسمي للأرهاب Egypt110
التسجيل : 13/11/2013
عدد المساهمات : 116
معدل النشاط : 145
التقييم : 14
الدبـــابة : سلسلة حتي لا ننسي: تركيا الراعي الرسمي للأرهاب Unknow11
الطـــائرة : سلسلة حتي لا ننسي: تركيا الراعي الرسمي للأرهاب Unknow11
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قائد في YPJ : داعش هاجمتنا بمساعده تركيا 

Written by  KurdishQuestion.com

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YPJ Commander اiçek Xemgin

17 March 2015

ANF/Mehmet Nuri Ekinci - Serekaniya

Serêkanîyê YPJ commander اiçek Xemgin said ISIS had attacked Tel Tamer and Serêkaniyê (Ras ‘al Ayn) in order to distract attention from its defeats in Kobanê, Tel Hamis and Tel Barak, but that this would not prevent the obliteration of the organisation.

Xemgin said the Turkish state was still actively supporting the ISIS gangs, adding that they had footage of gunfire from Turkish military posts and positions and of wounded gang members being carried in Turkish military vehicles and taking refuge in Turkish military posts.

'Our comrades were hit by snipers on the Turkish border’

YPJ commander Xemgin said that the gangs had brought in reinforcements from Aleppo and other places after being defeated in Tel Hamis and Tel Barak, and attacked Tel Tamer and Serêkaniyê. She said: "They launched attacks with bomb-laden vehicles. We halted the vehicle and killed those inside it. Some of our comrades were hit by snipers embedded amongst Turkish troops. We hit back and killed some of the gang members on the border. Others escaped and took shelter in the Turkish military post. We attempted to take the hill where the gang members were at night, but we were fired on from the Turkish side. They obviously have night sights and thermal equipment. This confirms that the Turkish state is a party to this war.”

‘We will be able to deal with the gangs’

Xemgin recalled that they had thrown ISIS out of Serêkaniyê. Once before with limited resources, adding that now the YPG had grown and was capable of dealing with the threat posed by the gangs. She said that despite the support given by the Turkish state they were determined to cleanse the area of the gangs. She denied they had suffered heavy losses, saying: “In these battles we have lost between 15 and 20 fighters. We cannot give an exact figure as some are missing."

'The end of ISIS is near’

اiçek Xemgin said that the gangs had suffered heavy blows in Kobanê, Tel Hamis and Tel Barak, adding that they had carried out attacks with the aid of Turkey in order to demonstrate they still existed. She said: “Even if the whole world supported them, not just Turkey, they have to be eradicated, because everywhere they go they attack all that is human. They have a culture of pillage and booty. This is unacceptable. A lot of our fighters here are Arabs, some of them have fallen in the struggle against the gangs.”

عدل سابقا من قبل MrHBK في الأربعاء 24 فبراير 2016 - 8:05 عدل 1 مرات
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الـبلد : سلسلة حتي لا ننسي: تركيا الراعي الرسمي للأرهاب Egypt110
التسجيل : 13/11/2013
عدد المساهمات : 116
معدل النشاط : 145
التقييم : 14
الدبـــابة : سلسلة حتي لا ننسي: تركيا الراعي الرسمي للأرهاب Unknow11
الطـــائرة : سلسلة حتي لا ننسي: تركيا الراعي الرسمي للأرهاب Unknow11
المروحية : سلسلة حتي لا ننسي: تركيا الراعي الرسمي للأرهاب Unknow11

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الـبلد : سلسلة حتي لا ننسي: تركيا الراعي الرسمي للأرهاب Egypt110
التسجيل : 13/11/2013
عدد المساهمات : 116
معدل النشاط : 145
التقييم : 14
الدبـــابة : سلسلة حتي لا ننسي: تركيا الراعي الرسمي للأرهاب Unknow11
الطـــائرة : سلسلة حتي لا ننسي: تركيا الراعي الرسمي للأرهاب Unknow11
المروحية : سلسلة حتي لا ننسي: تركيا الراعي الرسمي للأرهاب Unknow11

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مُساهمةموضوع: رد: سلسلة حتي لا ننسي: تركيا الراعي الرسمي للأرهاب   سلسلة حتي لا ننسي: تركيا الراعي الرسمي للأرهاب Icon_m10الإثنين 22 فبراير 2016 - 5:53

داعش حصلت علي غاز السايرين عن طريق تركيا 

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الـبلد : سلسلة حتي لا ننسي: تركيا الراعي الرسمي للأرهاب Egypt110
التسجيل : 13/11/2013
عدد المساهمات : 116
معدل النشاط : 145
التقييم : 14
الدبـــابة : سلسلة حتي لا ننسي: تركيا الراعي الرسمي للأرهاب Unknow11
الطـــائرة : سلسلة حتي لا ننسي: تركيا الراعي الرسمي للأرهاب Unknow11
المروحية : سلسلة حتي لا ننسي: تركيا الراعي الرسمي للأرهاب Unknow11

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مُساهمةموضوع: رد: سلسلة حتي لا ننسي: تركيا الراعي الرسمي للأرهاب   سلسلة حتي لا ننسي: تركيا الراعي الرسمي للأرهاب Icon_m10الإثنين 22 فبراير 2016 - 5:54

صحفيه امريكيه قتلت في تركيا لكشفها صلات بين تركيا و داعش 

عدل سابقا من قبل MrHBK في الأربعاء 24 فبراير 2016 - 8:07 عدل 1 مرات
الرجوع الى أعلى الصفحة اذهب الى الأسفل

عريـــف أول
عريـــف أول

الـبلد : سلسلة حتي لا ننسي: تركيا الراعي الرسمي للأرهاب Egypt110
التسجيل : 13/11/2013
عدد المساهمات : 116
معدل النشاط : 145
التقييم : 14
الدبـــابة : سلسلة حتي لا ننسي: تركيا الراعي الرسمي للأرهاب Unknow11
الطـــائرة : سلسلة حتي لا ننسي: تركيا الراعي الرسمي للأرهاب Unknow11
المروحية : سلسلة حتي لا ننسي: تركيا الراعي الرسمي للأرهاب Unknow11

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مُساهمةموضوع: رد: سلسلة حتي لا ننسي: تركيا الراعي الرسمي للأرهاب   سلسلة حتي لا ننسي: تركيا الراعي الرسمي للأرهاب Icon_m10الإثنين 22 فبراير 2016 - 5:59

Turkish MP faces treason charges after telling RT ISIS used Turkey for transiting sarin

عضو البرلمان التركي يواجه تهم بالخيانه بعد ان اخبر روسيا اليوم ان داعش استخدمت تركيا لنقل غاز السايرين 
Published time: 16 Dec, 2015 09:56
Edited time: 16 Dec, 2015 17:33
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A treason investigation has been launched against a Turkish MP who alleged in an exclusive interview with RT that Islamic State jihadists delivered deadly sarin gas to Syria through Turkey.
Ankara’s Chief Prosecutor's Office opened the case against Istanbul MP Eren Erdem of Republican People's Party (CHP) after his interview about sarin was aired on RT on Monday. 

"Chemical weapon materials were brought to Turkey and put together in ISIS camps in Syria, which was known as the Iraqi Al-Qaeda at that time." 


Erdem noted that the chemicals used for the production of weapons did not originate from Turkey. “All basic materials are purchased from Europe. Western institutions should question themselves about these relations. Western sources know very well who carried out the sarin gas attack in Syria,” Erdem told RT.

As Turkish media reported Wednesday, the prosecutor’s office is planning to send a summary of proceedings to the Ministry of Justice on Thursday. Following that, the summary may be forwarded to the Turkish parliament, which could vote to strip Erdem of his parliamentary immunity.

Once Turkish mass-media reported the criminal investigation had been opened against Erdem, the hashtags #ErenErdemYalnızDeğildir - #ErenErdemYouAreNotAlone began to circulate in Turkish social networks.

On Tuesday, MP Erdem issued a written statement in his defense, saying he had become the target of a smear campaign because of his statements made in parliament.

He claimed he had received death threats over social media following the publication of his interview with RT, revealing the Turkish paramilitary organization Ottoman Hearths had published his home address on Twitter to enable an attack on his house.

“I am being targeted with death threats because I am patriotically opposed to something that tramples on my country's prestige,” said the MP.

As for his accusations about Turkish businessmen being involved in supplying Islamic State (IS, formerly ISIS/ISIL) with the poisonous gas sarin and other reactants needed for chemical warfare, Erdem maintained this statement was made based on the results of a Turkish court investigation in 2013.

Erdem revealed that five Turkish citizens had been arrested by the Adana Chief Prosecutor's Office as a result of an investigation coded 2013/139. A Syrian national was prosecuted in Turkey for procuring chemical agents for Islamist groups in Syria. At the same time, Erdem noted all the persons arrested within the framework of the 2013/139 investigation were released a week later.

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سلسلة حتي لا ننسي: تركيا الراعي الرسمي للأرهاب 5657183fc36188f6688b457b

Turkish newspaper editor in court for 'espionage' after revealing weapon convoy to Syrian militants

In an interview to Turkey’s Kanal 24 on Tuesday, Cem Küçük, a columnist at the pro-government Star daily, said that Erdem's claims about sarin gas should be regarded as treason. Erdem should be stripped of his parliamentary immunity to “pay for his deeds,” Today’s Zaman cited Küçük as saying.

The Turkish public is “very much polarized” and those supporting the government and followers of the ruling Justice and Development Party (AKP) make up “about half of the country,” Hisyar Ozsoy, Turkish MP for leftist HDP party, told RT.

“They really do not care about what is happening in terms of freedom of expression,” Ozsoy said, adding that “anybody who is critical of the government is facing incredible pressure: indictments, court cases, even imprisonments.”

The Turkish government - and the president in particular - use polarization of the Turkish community as a mode of carrying out politics that very much worries the other half of the citizenry.

The most widely-reported chemical attack in Syria took place in the early hours of August 21, 2013, in Ghouta, on the outer fringes of Damascus. Rockets containing sarin gas were reportedly fired, killing more than 1,400 people, including no fewer than 426 children. It was on the very day a UN team of inspectors arrived in the city to investigate the alleged March 19 chemical attack in Khan al-Assal, northern Syria.


عدل سابقا من قبل MrHBK في الأربعاء 24 فبراير 2016 - 8:08 عدل 1 مرات
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عريـــف أول
عريـــف أول

الـبلد : سلسلة حتي لا ننسي: تركيا الراعي الرسمي للأرهاب Egypt110
التسجيل : 13/11/2013
عدد المساهمات : 116
معدل النشاط : 145
التقييم : 14
الدبـــابة : سلسلة حتي لا ننسي: تركيا الراعي الرسمي للأرهاب Unknow11
الطـــائرة : سلسلة حتي لا ننسي: تركيا الراعي الرسمي للأرهاب Unknow11
المروحية : سلسلة حتي لا ننسي: تركيا الراعي الرسمي للأرهاب Unknow11

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مُساهمةموضوع: رد: سلسلة حتي لا ننسي: تركيا الراعي الرسمي للأرهاب   سلسلة حتي لا ننسي: تركيا الراعي الرسمي للأرهاب Icon_m10الإثنين 22 فبراير 2016 - 6:00

German TV channel films ISIS slave trade in Turkey

قناه تليفزيونيه المانيه تصور تجاره العبيد التي تقوم بها داعش في تركيا 
 Top News
14 December 2015
سلسلة حتي لا ننسي: تركيا الراعي الرسمي للأرهاب 14501370251
German television station ARD has produced footage documenting the slave trade being conducted by the radical terrorist group the so-called Islamic State (ISIS) through a liaison office in Turkey.
Two correspondents from the TV channel filmed a Yazidi family buying their relatives to save them from ISIS and spoke to witnesses. The Yazidi family contacted a liaison office of ISIS in Turkey through a Kurdish man named Abu Mital, who works as an intermediary for ISIS, in order to purchase a mother, her three children and an 11-year-old boy from ISIS and return them to their family.
In the video, Mital is seen contacting ISIS militants on the Internet, bargaining with them and setting a price for the sale of the woman and the children. Mital then went to the southeastern Turkish province of Gaziantep, where he received information via WhatsApp about the name of the person to whom he had to give money and the address of the ISIS liaison office.
During his visit to the office in Gaziantep, Mital was secretly filmed. The office only employed Syrians and owned a number of money-counting machines. ISIS demanded $20,000 for the woman and $15,000 for the 11-year-old boy. The footage shows Mital handing the money to the Syrians in the office, who then counted the money using the money-counting machines.
After he paid the money, Mital is seen going to a hotel in Syria, where he waited for another WhatsApp message. Mital is then told he will be contacted by someone for the delivery of the woman and her three children. The Yazidi family burst into tears when they are reunited with their relatives in Syria.
Speaking to ARD, Mital said that money transfers in the sale of slaves by ISIS are made through its liaison offices in Turkey. He said he has paid more than $2.5 million to ISIS over the past year for 250 Yazidi women and children who have been purchased by their families. Mital also said that ISIS gives numbers to the female and child slaves and posts their photographs on the Internet for sale.
In a related development, Gaziantep Bar Association President Bektaş Şarklı has filed a criminal complaint regarding the claims about whether ISIS has a liaison office in Gaziantep and its involvement in the sale of Yazidi women and children. Şarklı requested that an investigation be launched into the police force and the National Intelligence Organization (MİT), which he accused of negligence. He filed the criminal complaint at the Gaziantep Chief Public Prosecutor's Office.
"We are all uncomfortable with the links between an international terrorist organization and our province. We have requested that a criminal complaint be filed against MİT and the police on charges of abuse of duty and negligence because they have failed to take the necessary measures or collect the necessary intelligence before these incidents were covered by the media," Şarklı told Today's Zaman on Wednesday. He added that the alleged crimes of ISIS in Turkey are covered by the relevant articles of the Turkish Penal Code (TCK) concerning human smuggling, prostitution, limitations imposed on individual freedom, genocide, crimes against humanity and migrant smuggling.
Ankara categorically denies allegations that it turns a blind eye to ISIS's activities across the Syrian border.
Last year, the ARD claimed that ISIS has a liaison office in İstanbul's Fatih district and that many militants going to Syria have been given up to 400 euros and assisted in crossing the border to join the terrorist organization. The story is said to be based on information the station received from sources in the European Commission (EC).

عدل سابقا من قبل MrHBK في الأربعاء 24 فبراير 2016 - 8:09 عدل 1 مرات
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سلسلة حتي لا ننسي: تركيا الراعي الرسمي للأرهاب

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