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الجديد هو عبارة عن ملفين pdf + صورة توضيحية لمدى عمل الرادار
رابط الملف الاول ( راجع الصفحة 3 )
رابط الملف الثانى ( راجع الصفحة 19 )
هذه الصورة توضح مدى المسح الجوي للرادار AN/TPS-59(V)3 الامريكي العامل في الانذار المبكر ضد الصواريخ الباليستية لدى الجيش المصري
وهو رادار ثلاثي الابعاد Three-Dimensional Air Defense Radar متخصص في كشف الصواريخ الباليستية التكتيكية في المقام الاول وأيضا الصواريخ الجوالة والطائرات Tactical Missile Defense, Early Warning, Situational Awareness
يستطيع الرادار ان يرصد الصواريخ الباليستية المطلقة من مدى يبلغ 750 كلم و حتى ارتفاع 300 كلم
يستطيع ان يكشف الطائرات والصواريخ الجوالة من مدى يبدأ من 550 كلم وحتى ارتفاع 30 كلم بحسب المقطع الراداري للطائرة او الصاروخ
يعمل مع بطاريات صواريخ Patriot وصواريخ Hawk امريكية الصنع
تمتلك مصر 5 رادارات منه بالاضافة ل9 رادارات اخرى من الفئة TPS-59M/34
من مميزاته
طول مدة الانذار للعاملين عليه بسبب مداه - الدقة العالية فى تحديد الاهداف - تحديد الصاروخ المهاجم ونوعة بالتفصيل
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مصدر عن تحديث الرادار
Modernizing the USMC’s TPS-59 Radars
Apr 28, 2010 15:37 UTC by Defense Industry Daily staff
At the twilight’s
last gleaming
A $70 million contract for TPS-59 radar maintenance and sustainment. (April 28/10)Lockheed Martin Maritime Systems and Sensor in Electronics Park, Syracuse, NY is responsible for developing, maintaining, and upgrading the AN/TPS-59(V)3 Long Range Radar System
. The TPS-59 is an all solid-state L-Band, 3-dimensional air defense radar which is tactically mobile and provides long-range surveillance and ground-control intercept capability. It supports enroute traffic control to a distance of 300 nautical miles, and its 740 km/ 400 nautical mile range and full 360 degree azimuth scan results in a surveillance volume of 603 million km3 for tactical missile defense.
The TPS-59 is in service with the USMC, Bahrain, and Egypt, and is the only long range 3D Radar in the Marine Air-Ground Task Force. The related FPS-117 family of solid-state radars is in service with the USAF, and 17 countries around the world.
Developed for the United States Ballistic Missile Defense Organization (BMDO), the Missile Defense Agency’s predecessor, and the United States Marine Corps, the TPS-59 (V)3 is designed to operate with Patriot missile batteries. These radars have been modernized and upgraded several times during their lifespan, in order to keep them on the cutting edge of technology. In August 1996, at White Sands Missile Range, the AN/TPS-59(V)3/HAWK system completed a test program in which it intercepted and destroyed
a LANCE short range theater ballistic missile and 2 air breathing drones simultaneously in an operational test. Those kinds of improvements and modernizations continue today…
اضافة اخرى
---- حول الرادار الامريكى AN/FPS-117 Specialist I&CO/Technical Representative
Lockheed Martin Public Company; 10,001+ employees; LMT; Defense & Space industry
September 1989 – September 1998 (9 years 1 month) Virginia Beach, VA
As Specialist Installation and Test, have been involved with several programs on both the AN/TPS-59 and the AN/FPS-117 radar systems both in CONUS and abroad in countries such as Germany, Saudi Arabia, Iceland, Japan, and Egypt. With the AN/TPS-59, was a team member and team leader responsible for installation of the TPS-59 TAOM/TYQ-23 interface, Threshold Map, and Ducting Template modifications to include system baseline testing, hardware installation, backplane wirewrap installation, system checkout, and sell off to the government per approved test procedures on both USMC and ARE systems. Assisted System Test Engineers on the AN/TPS-59 M34 radar systems and was involved in support of the AN/TPS-59(v)3, TMD system #2 modification. As member of the Installation and Test team, was responsible for installation support of the AN/FPS-117 radar system at Mt. Kokee, HI. Conducted initial power up, operational verification procedures and any troubleshooting of failures found during these procedures.