- abojo كتب:
كفانا إفتاء!!
الرابتور ومثلها الB2 لا يوجد ما يرصدهما من سمافة مناسبة لإعتراضهم قبل
تنفيذ المهمة ولو كان الهدف هو الكريملن نفسه !!
أما ال F117 فلست أعرف من اين ظهرت حدوتة كالشوغا ؟؟؟ الطائرة رصدن على رادار
السام 3 بسبب نقطة ضعف فيها وهي أن باب القنابل بها لم يكن مطليا بالطلاء الماص
للرادار لهذا عندما فتحت الباب لإلقاء الحمولة كبرت بصمتها الرادارية فجأة ونظرا لقرب
المسافة بينها وبين البطارية (الطائرات الشبح تطير فوق بطاريات الدفاع الجوي بدون خوف!)
سهل على الصاروخ إستهدافها وتدميرها
هذا العيب تم التخلص منه تماما في الرابتور وال B2 الأكثر خفاء بمراحل !!!
رجاء الحواديت بدون مصادر علمية موثوقة ومعروفة ودقيقة لا مكان لها قي منتدى عسكري!
حتى انت يا اخ ابوجو تصدق هده القصص منها من يقول الطلاء واخرى غرفة الدخيرة واخرى تقول الرطوبة
اليك الجواب على لسان قائد البطارية التي اسقطت الطائرة
His unit, the 3rd battery of the 250th Missile Brigade, was responsible
for the air defense of the Beograd area, together with other batteries
of the same brigade. Equipped with the S-125M Neva (NATO: SA-3 Goa)
command-guided SAM system (for more information on the Neva and other
Soviet-made SAM systems, see "Castles in the Sky"), Dani's battery,
however, had some key advantages over its sister units. According to
Dani, this advantage was based on their previous research into the field
of the detection, acquisition, and destruction of targets with low
radar cross-sections (RCSs) or those employing low-observable
technologies. He said he and his subordinate officers followed articles
written about the F-117 since its emergence from secrecy, calculating at
the same time how systems in service with the Yugoslav air-defense
forces could possibly cope with such a threat. Finally, during the NATO
power demonstrations in 1998 (held to ward off Serbia from its actions
in Kosovo), he proposed minor, in-field technical modifications to the
SAM system: one to the UNV antenna unit and the UNK-M control cabin
responsible for missile control (NATO: Low Blow), with another
modification to the P-18 (NATO: Dry Rack or Spoon Rest D) radar that
provides target acquisition for each battery. His superiors declied to
approved the modifications, though, saying instead that "this system
simply cannot handle the stealth.
The retired colonel also suggested that his battery used primarily its
own resources (mostly the P-18 radar and visual observation) to build a
faint picture of situational awareness and to understand NATO operations
for later use. However, this is not entirely true, as it is now known
that the US didn't vary the flight paths of its F-117s, so their
locations could be predicted to a certain extent. Serb forces also often
received phone calls from just outside Aviano Air Base in Italy,
alerting them when a NATO aircraft had taken off. Combining these two
pieces of intelligence, it would not be too difficult to determine where
an F-117 was at any given time (see "Shrewd Tactics May Have Downed
Stealth Fighter").
Dani declined to say how many missiles they launched during the war
beyond the four fired at the F-117 and the F-16, although he did confirm
that "several" missiles fired by his unit missed their targets
الرادار p 18 تم زيادة قدرته وبمساعدة المراقبة البصرية و تعديل الصواريخ لزيادة مداها
دلك لزيادة مدة البحث في السماء
اريد مصدرك ان اف 22 و لb 2 لا يرصدها الروس ؟؟